Some thoughts on this matrix “game”….


i’m in a quiet space – literally and metaphorically…and reflecting on where we are.  the event.  freedom.  liberation.

dates cannot be given on the event.  they’ve proven unreliable – obviously. this is a war for our energy as we know.  and no one can state when a war will end.  i do feel the controllers are cornered here now.  it was no coincidence to me that the date some were saying this was the date i awoke with a feeling of being a rapid animal trapped into a corner wanting to rage…. i feel they were cornered and quarantined/captured “outside” of this realm as well (with the focus of “clean up” being in this realm for a time now).

and i do know the result is our freedom for enough of us have said we are done with this game and we are now choosing to have a new experience. timelines are messed with by entities with tech you and i cannot even fathom (in these states of consciousness that is) – which then shows me we have a lot of help in ending this simulation so that we CAN have a new experience.  our conscious thoughts and spoken thoughts are having a powerful impact as well.

i have also been asking – just what is the event?  is it literally a blast of plasma that wipes out the last of the frequency here and pulls us awake. who controls that blast?  there has been so many meditations to call this forth – both small and large and yet still here we are.  mass meditations are effective.  focused, concentrated energies of like bring results.  so why then has this not worked for the event?  it leads me to think this is a controlled narrative – a program (albeit it benevolent/helpful one) and we are just waiting for that button to be pushed.  and that will come when those entities and beings who do not want us to end our participation in this game are eliminated or enough of them eliminated so that we CAN put the final “blast” into this realm in which we reside.  and THAT is when ALL awaken…

that is the perception i am currently holding as i remain open to processing feels and visions and insights i receive from within my center.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.