Resonating with this one (although I feel cryptocurrencies tie into the central bank and are thus manipulated and controlled like ALL forms of currencies/investments. my insight is to go w/the local currency trend if your community has one. all is changing anyway).
These questions were asked and answered on February 15, 2018
Is someone able to connect now? I have questions.
We are here, Sophia.
Thank you. I will begin now.
“There’s a big problem with this “EVENT”. Several people are associating souls released with thing that has been happening on a physical plane.
The website “prepare for change”( ) is an example. There are several others. Several things they wrote are “IMPOSSIBLE” to believe. Can you understand how “CHOSEN” people are feeling? Do you know what cause that? “APOSTASY”.
How about the Event’ date? Do you have any prediction for this EVENT?
With Love & Light. ”
This event is a moment that cannot be precisely predicted. Not if the definition is assumed to be a human activated one with only the human activators aware of its timing. This event is a happening that cannot be precisely predicted. Not if you assume it is a solar instigated occurrence and dependent solely on the actions of the sun.
This event, as illustrated in your questions, is causing a great deal of confusion for you here on the earth. It is not the Ascension. It does not apply only to some who are chosen. It is a global happening. The event that we refer to, and by “we” is meant those of us watching your world. You may call us Earth Keepers.
We refer to the event as a celestial happening. It has been called a “kiss from the sun” by an aspect of Sophia and we concur. It is meant to take place soon. It will most likely take place in the coming months, this year, before the summer months as recorded in Sophia’s home place. (United States)
This event is not to be feared. It will be welcomed and we daresay Sophia had a glimpse of it just now as she began to connect. *
It is a touch of extreme love, and will yield for you images of what absolute pure love looks like, feels like, and is. It is exquisite and will accelerate everything. We are as anxious as humanity for this. No worries. Just wonder.
You will be transfixed and moved into your natural home. The place you began. You are on a circular journey that feels as if it is a race. It is not. You will see. We are complete.
*So, As I began, I was overcome, overwhelmed and overtaken with ecstasy, joy, love. I am assuming this is bliss. This was before reading the question or engaging with anyone – What I saw were images of my loved ones, my children… The light was not coming from them but from me! It was huge and I was someplace else for quite some time. I was sobbing and laughing and shaking and generally out of it. Wow. (These were the words I wrote before connecting. Sophia)
Thank you.
Here is the next question.
“Hello Sophia …
Some questions for you / your monthly questions if you please.
Are the Lion People / Feline people the same or are there two different lineages or groups?? Might you be able to connect to one (or both if they are different)?? Do they have star seeds here at this time? What might they like us to know?”
There is more than one race in question here. We, who answer you now, are the lion people. There are others, and more than one other feline race. The lion people resemble pretty precisely your male lions here on earth.
Yes. There are star seeds. They are here, although not in the vast numbers that the Pleiadians and Arcturians are. Our mission differs. Vast numbers are not required. I believe you’ll find star seeds of almost every race – on earth in this now moment. You are in a rare time and many choose to physically experience all of it rather than watch from the sidelines.
We’d like you to know that we are here with no intent to take over or alter your human systems of engagement. We are bystanders, not wanting to interfere or even guide. It is assumed though, that benevolent, respectful monarchy will become part of your dialogue because of our presence. We are regal, coming from a lineage that is the same. Human now, and experiencing the collapse of every aspect into a singularity – well – presence can’t help but be affected.
Excuse me, but Donald Trump’s image just ran across my consciousness. Did you put him there, and if so, why?
We did not. Yet the resemblance is uncanny, is it not?
We are complete.
Okay then, thank you for coming forward.
You are welcome, Sophia.
“Hi Sophia, Thanks for this. Can you ask about Bitcoin or Crypto currencies? Is it going to free us from the big bankers total control of us or are we being set up and manipulated somehow?”
The money manipulation on your planet runs so deep as to say it is bottomless. Do not assume at this now moment that any single idea or currency is without potential corruption. Not until the event has taken place and the control has been wrested from the hands of the owners/those running the program beneath them/the puppets. All currencies need deep investigation prior to investment.
There are beings on your planet who do this for you now – it is their mission. Find one you trust and use that advice if unable to dig into it yourself. Having said that, there are two other points.
First, all currency represents falsely the real/true wealth, which is you. There will come a day where outside representation is not necessary – where you/the human, will be recognized as the value. You will witness this.
Second, these cryptocurrencies are your best bet for removing yourselves from the hands of the ones who hold your strings. If you desire investment, they are a way to accomplish both wealth and freedom.
Please tell us who you are.
It is I. It is One.
Thank you for coming forward.
Here is the next question.
Madam, first off, thank you so much for your divine sharing…May I ask if the Yellow Rays (get it…my new way to spell race) have a name for their planet and society and the individual speaking? Lol…please convey our open-hearted invitation to come visit here & sit on a beach and soak up some of OUR Healing Yellow Ray’s…lol…Under some palm trees first…shade is pleasant as well… I Love Your Name…Its tone HAS ALWAYS RESONATED WITH HIGHEST VIBE!!! Now I know Why!!! Lot’s more to Hear and Learn…Blessedly Hello! Thank you for sharing your frivolity. It is much rumored amongst us, the playful human. I can see why! Actually, I can feel why. What fun you are! Our planet is numbered, its name not known to your race. We have a word for it that would be spelled xyratouch.
Did I get that right? X-y-r-a-t-o-u-c-h?
We do not know! We think so.
My name is Zilo. I believe you’ve gotten it right. We so enjoy contact and do not know how to physically answer this question, yet your visual seeing’s are most pleasant with the imagery offered with his words. So, thank you.
Thank you so much for coming forward Zilo. Goodbye now.
Goodbye Sophia. Thank you for the Palm Trees!
Our last question follows.
“The news release is not so much news as it is distraction. This is a refusal to expose the real “outer space activity” – which is the sale, use and harvesting of the human on a massive scale for such a wide range of uses and reasons that have not even been entertained in this “news” piece just released.” (Note – this is a quote from a prior conversation)
“Maybe next time have him put a number on it, like how many people are we talking about here, and what exactly? Like where are they going to, and where are they taking them? I thought most of this trafficking stuff was limited Earth. ugh.
Humans are a product. They are used for energy consumption, manipulation and physical slavery – via work force. The numbers are beyond comprehension.
Sophia senses right now the devastation or attempted devastation. “Attempted” because humanity today stands strong. Let me illustrate for you the vital point of believing polarity with your very essence – This gruesome trading of your race, capture and abuse of your race, was not a factor in your day to day if and because you were unaware of it as it happened. It was actually part of the plan.
Humanity has responded brilliantly. Now knowing, at the same time as awakening and unifying with yourself, you are not beaten, but more determined than ever to stop it. Not even for you personally but for all of humanity. This is the brilliance of the human and why you are regarded so highly and helped by many.
Thank you.
That is all the questions for today. Wow, that was quite a ride. I am spent and filled all at once. We are in for amazing everyone. Hang on to your hats!
I love you. Thank you.