A Pre- SOTU Event Love In Action Now Wishes To See


POTUS walks into the room.  He stands off to the right of the podium.  A booming voice begins to speak over an unknown loudspeaker.

“Members of Congress.  Please stand now.”

They look around at one another, confused, but like little sheep who only know how to obey instead of lead, one by one they stand.  When all are standing, the voice continues.

“We will be reading off names.  When you hear your name called, you are to remain standing.  If you do not hear your name announced once we are finished, you may sit back down.”

One by one, names are called.  Looks of concern appear on their faces. POTUS remains standing off to the side of the podium, his mouth set firm but with a hint of a twinkle in his eyes.

Once the announcer is finished calling the names, we see well over half of Congress still standing.

The announcer then goes on to say:

“Agents, you may come in and do your job.  Guards are in place so escape is futile.”

A swarm of Agents enter the arena and begin zip-tying the wrists of those standing.

The announcer continues.

“Members of Congress, you are being arrested for a multitude of crimes including, but not limited to:   Treason.  Sedition.  Obstruction of justice.  More will be explained to you on the way to your location.”

“What location??!!” numerous members cry out.

“That is privileged information,” the announcer states.

Once the arrests have taken place, POTUS steps up to the podium. Remaining members, some looking shocked, others smiling, sit down upon Trump’s nod.

From the Balcony comes the cry of a lone, unknown figure:  “Let Freedom Reign!  The Republic is finally being restored!”

Applause ensues.

And POTUS goes on to deliver the first real SOTU since Kennedy.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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