Speaking of The Event Energy of Love…


I had this experience come through me after I shared the latest Diane Canfield piece.  As I have shared here previously, I have felt (what I feel to be) the energy of the event several times over the past 13 years.  Suddenly I am hit with this wave of energy that sweeps over me and I feel such an amazing connection with everyone I see and can pull up in my mind.  I feel full connection with All.  I feel compassion. Understanding.  I can feel the unity.  It’s amazing.  Tear’s always flow.  It’s powerful.  It is centered in my core.

It can be overwhelming too.

I was telling my mate a little bit ago that I feel to help call forth this experience we give the name “The Event”, go within and get comfortable ~ totally comfortable ~ with telling oneself how Amazing you are.  How beautiful.  Awesome.  Glorious.  Worthy.  Precious. Whatever “words” align with the feeling you are looking to experience about yourself. Bring it forth from the heart.  Feeeeeeeeeeel it.

We can practice this with one another too.  If you had a person or animal/pet, sit together and tell this special one how much you love them. Appreciate them.  What you see in them.  The beauty.  Intelligence.  Wisdom. The kindness.  I do this with my girl and let me tell you when she tells me what she sees in me (usually she sings) I admit I can only take in so much. My heart goes into shutdown after a time.

I no longer want that experience.

When we get totally comfortable with fully embracing our amazing, beautiful selves/Selves ~ and I mean totally comfortable ~ I am feeeeeeeeeeling this is going to open us up completely to the energies of this event.

Does that make sense?  Practice before the “real thing”.

Or maybe in a way this energy is just waiting on us to do just that ~ open up fully to our beauty ~ swirling around giving us little kisses when it really wants to hug the heaven into us.

Just a thought….

We can call it forth from our head.  Our ego.  The “g.d. already come ON and arrive!”  (which is where I go at times)  OR we can try the heart approach which makes the connection between self and the event even more powerful when we are fully aware of and embracing Amazing Us.

Let’s give it a try (for those who aren’t “there” yet ~ and I am the first to say I am not).  While I know, for I have seen, this energy of Love allows us to remember Who We Are, opens up fully our Heart Space (either in one blast or slowly, in increments) we can begin to play with that now.

Just an idea I feeeeeeeeeeel called to share.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Speaking of The Event Energy of Love…”

  1. Thank you, I am really glad I am see in writing the thoughts that have been circulating within me. To increase the self-love, in order to bring it to us.

    If i/ we expand our self-love, it just amplifies us and our energy/ power, and we connect to the Event and New Earth on a vibrational level. That’s what it seems to me.

    Kinda hard to do, when I’ve just been told (verbally attacked) a week ago by my parents, that im a do-nothing and that I’ve ruined their lives. Hard to move on from here into more self-love but it seems like just the thing necessary. I am going to try. And I’m going to try to timeline jump myself to new earth. I don’t see a need to continue in old earth anymore (even when I feel super high vibing, I’m still ready to go to a place more fitting for me). Thank you for sharing!

  2. I really wish I could experience this feeling you describe… but I just can’t seem to get out of ‘warrior’ mode… The situation in the UK with Tommy Robinson has locked me further into that state.

    I am incensed. I have 18 months of research showing the clear connection between the globalists and the Muslim invasion by stealth… I cannot be the only one… and yet truth presenters like Robinson are prosecuted (illegally if the evidence of his arrest video is anything to go by).

    The Pizzagate/pedo information coming out in the States is linking the rich and famous to this activity.

    Rolph Harris and Jimmy Saville were given full coverage in the UK – but now that there is a Pakistani Muslim Home Secretary – it is someone reporting on Pakistani Muslim rape gangs and procurers of small children to the elite – that is arrested…

    When an invading army views a country as conquered they take women and children as spoils of war…

    As I said, I find myself unable to get out of warrior mode… but I would really like to feel that universal love energy… Deep breath…

    1. hey i understand that. what is happening to tommy is an outrage ~ like the deep state poking the masses. i still wear my warrior hat. you just be how you need to be. 🙂

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