Start Doing What You Love


editor’s note:  i’ve been thinking outside the box for 20 years now ~ have pursued many passions to create an income with each one being a flop ~ except for this little site which brings me a meager little income – for now that is.  next month we have a street fair, our street being the main thoroughfare.  i will be putting out my digital piano out front w/a donation box (while playing of course).  [wp-svg-icons icon=”cool” wrap=”i”]


By Luken Surge – July 05, 2018

How do you do what you love when it goes against everything you have been taught by this collectivist society? Do you get told that your dreams will land you in the gutter? That your passions are a surefire way to crash and burn? Well, what if that wasn’t true at all? What if you could earn a living from doing exactly what you love? (Spoiler Alert: You can!)

Here is the truth of 2018: you don’t have to be trapped by society’s prefabricated boxes anymore. The digital era has opened up a trove of new opportunities in industries and markets that didn’t even exist 10-20 years ago. New products and services are popping up every day. There is a rising demand for unexpected skills and passions. There is definitely a place in this new world for you.

The Box is burning right now and it’s a pretty good time to get out of it.

The reality is that the old world is falling away, and quickly. Industries, products, and companies that reigned supreme years ago are moving overseas, being replaced by AI & machines, or going out of business.

Continue reading here.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.