Start of the day Synch ~ 4.22


On the 22nd no less.

After I woke up this morning, I stayed in bed for awhile – clearing, tuning in.  I started to feel 1010 again – hearing what VK said “1010 for the win”.  Also thought of 1234/4321 and 5’s that I’ve been seeing. Remembering my card-playing-drawing-10’s dream – a card game I’ve been playing a lot of in recent days – including 2 nights ago when I was nudged to do so.  I played one round, was going to go to sleep but something nudged me to play another round.  Instead of the usual shuffling I just decided to mix them up intuitively.  The first 4 cards I drew: three 5’s (heart club and diamond) and the King of clubs.  I wanted to take a picture – but it was 2am and I was too tired to crawl out of bed and go retrieve the camera – but I kept the cards as is on top of the deck.  I wanted to talk about it here but felt – nah – so moved on – until this morning when I saw this synch:

Tyler 316 @TWM316
22 January, 02:39

Don’t want to come off as being insensitive due to the subject matter of his post, but when VK gives any kind of countdown, the Anon in me perks up.

He said “AROUND 4 months”
1/20/23 – 5/23/23 = 123 days
Q post #523 – Checkmate
TVMSS = 1010 in Hebrew Gematria
5/23/23 > 555

Trump’s NFT cards – this one w/him as the King:
Here is a pic of those 4 cards I drew back-to-back:

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.