Strange Red Flashing Lights Appear At White House


Thoughts?  I recall earlier this year, shortly after he was inaugurated, the D.C. Fox News was doing a live broadcast and said if President Trump was watching their station, to flash the lights of the room he was in.  Trump happened to be watching them and flashed the lights.  Interestingly enough, the lights came from the same windows as in this video showing the red lights.  

‘Must be the Russians!’ Mysterious red lights flashing inside White House puzzle witnesses (VIDEO)

Strange red strobe lights have been spotted flashing inside the White House, sparking curiosity among witnesses and social media users, who rushed to offer dozens of possible theories of what might be happening inside the executive branch residence.

Flashing red lights illuminated the second floor of the White House Sunday evening for about 20 minutes before the strange scene ended.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.