Studio City on Fire ~ Trump calls on Newsom to resign


17 did say not all would be clean – which makes me feel discomfort – and I hesitate to say that – but this is war.  Feels personal too at times – tonight spent an hour looking for remote work which included trying to verify my linkedin account (kept getting a spinning circle after I did the thing with the QR code and received a code, which I entered – it’s still spinning 20 minutes later)……….realizing yet another place I applied to only accepts poohpal……..then going through a list of 35 other possibilities two gave me “website not found” warnings, one I was able to get through before being asked if I had xyz equipment, which I don’t so I couldn’t go further…..I scrolled past the live phone work because that is work that I used to do and have avoided ever since as I am NOT a phone person – even when I was 19, I had anxiety each day I went to work….and at that – gotta have a quiet workspace and that is not in my current reality (ahem)……then scrolled through the ones that didn’t include my state and then the big one as said previously – scrolled on by those who pay via poohpal.  I’m like WTF life?!  Seriously – W T A F?  So I’m dropping this, watching a movie on miracles, and intending yet again for my intentions to MANIFEST.  Now.  With Ease.

(btw – who would be interested in opening up a rescue dog sanctuary with me?  i’m kinda done with everything i’ve been doing……….)


Perhaps this is all part of the plan….



well there you go:


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.