Telling Our Own Story




One of my favorite songs I composed many years ago contains the lines “we all have stories that tell of our lives.  And we all hide them when it’s really no big surprise” – the next line alluding to the theory that we all pretty much hold the same perspective of who we think we are.

And yet, there’s a part two to that story.  It isn’t who we THINK we are – it’s also who we REALLY are.

And who we REALLY are – that’s what requires the real work.  Who we REALLY are is difficult to put together with words.  How do you define Eternity?  And how to understand that from the human brain?

I’ve been focused off and on on this Awakening for over 30 years.  And I am sensing there’s a bit of a collective energy – at least among some of us – to Remember our abilities.  Remember HOW to write our own stories.  Reflecting on this – pretty sure that’s why “they” programmed us with that monkey brain that chatters away – the part of the brain that is always looking for threats whether we want it to or not.  That’s why healing is so involved.  The body keeps the score (think triggers – where do you experience those?).  Some parts of the brain go “oh ok” once the body releases that memory.  And then there’s the frontal cortex which helps us chill and get back online.

And then there’s our REAL power center – that part of us that can go to the next level – See it ALL.  And that, I feel, is where the real magic happens because, at least for me, once I get to that Power Center, I am able TO do magic.  Perform miracles.  I did something along those lines a few mornings ago – I may have mentioned it here.  I was ‘doing’ things in that Space I’ve never done before and for a while I. Felt. AMAZING.  “So this is what it’s like to Truly be in control of my own experience.”  Then I went to sleep and woke up feeling anxiety and thought “Fuch this – I don’t want to feel like this – I want more of THAT!”  lol

Here’s an example that came to me:  We know there is nano-tech in the jabbies that literally behave like a machine.  There are experiences of these people radiating and thus getting passed on to others where people began having unusual rashes that can only be described as a radiation-type burn.  It was a very “real” experience – in quote as it happened inside of the matrix.  I see we are hooked up consciously here – and so what happens, using this experience as an example, “they” create that storyline, we experience it and thus our mind goes “oh, that’s a thing”.  But when we can get to that 40,000 elevation as 17 mentions, that is when we can REWRITE the script – personally and collectively.  Yes, it happened but it does NOT indicate that’s just how it is or that we have no power to change it – because I feel – do I dare say I KNOW – the only thing keeping it sticking and going here is our own. attention. to. it.

It’s not just about practicing – it’s about Remembering – and I feel even within these vessels – my vessel – contains those deep memories and knowing’s.

Just got to keep at it.  Make myself a priority.  We are flipping the script on “them”.  But we are also here to rewrite our OWN stories.

Here’s what I’m seeing out there on the stage.




Listening to Coast to Coast show talking about Antarctica – what’s underneath the ice.  Ancient cities.  Stargates.  The Nazi’s and their base there.  I don’t know when it was recorded – often these shows are years old – but the fact the talk is around Antarctica is interesting for me.  Remember when Heather Tucci Jarraf said once Antarctica is out on stage, we’re at the end.  Melania said “they shouldn’t have chosen to sink with the ship”.  There are 138 volcanos’ there and 2 are active – it’s actually the largest volcanic area on the planet.  Here’s where my mind goes given my research – this entire reality is a giant machine.  And the ice is melting due to the use of technology.




Remember when we say “NO” to something – to follow it up with feels and visions and words of what you/we DO want….




Any of you in the area?




This looks familiar doesn’t it?






Cargo ship narrowly avoids crashing into dock at Port Tampa Bay |




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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