Terran Cognito ~ Dream Message


editor victoria’s comment ~ this one struck out at me.  earlier today i was out and about and as i climbed into the car to head home, i felt that nudge to look at the clock on the car dash.  4:44.  i thought “yeah so what i see that number a lot.”  it was then that i heard or more actually FELT off to my left “yes but later you will see it has a meaning today.”  while i am on his e-mail subscribe list, i was drawn to go to his site awhile ago and see this one (i had not yet received an email notification of new posts). hmmmm….


At around 4:44 AM I got this message.  Seems to be a mix of Hebrew, English, maybe Czech and Hindi/Sanskrit?     Feels part riddle, part notice, part poem.   I don’t claim this is spelled correctly only how it sounded to me…. or perhaps its just all jumbled nonsense?  I really don’t know…  But I don’t often get dream messages… To whomever is the intended recipient…. you’ll know what it means…

From yod [10th letter of Hebrew Alphabet] to vod [Czech for water? Or Vlad???]

and Ashur [Enil?] again.

Time for my people to come home.


Ben Nahaime. [could be Hebrew pronunciation of Benjamin? Or Nahayme in Hindi/Sanskrit?] Shalom


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.