the bots – they be everywhere now


their narrative is dying – the false reality construct they follow is disintegrating – and they are fighting back and poking quite intensely now. there was an air of frustration today that i both felt and saw – obviously felt it within myself as i know i let myself get triggered today.  i struggle with that one.  but i also know that (the struggle) is the result of being in this experience.  some just enjoy poking.  nothing better to aspire to.

the controller’s ability to control the narrative is more or less over.  their ability to reset us (anyone really interested in this subject check out Jon Levi on youtube – fascinating research and data) – not going to be allowed any longer.  it is truly #GAMEOVER  it has become easy to see the programs here – to see how fake the experience here is.  the tools they have used.  the symbols.  shoot even the infinity symbol that is widely spouted as something beautiful – for some to worship – what is that symbol but just a never ending loop.  no escape.

there is still “time” to return to Love and heart space for those humans who were put here and programmed to poke, create doubt and confusion and other behavior’s that support fear and judgment.  for those that choose not to – good bye to them.


Breaking Down The Matrix | Conspiracy, Truther, New Age ...

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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