editor victoria’s comment ~ I got this from Brother Rick’s social media page. He had told me he had some big drops on his page – I finally got around to checking that out tonight. wow. checking out this guy’s page – he’s amazing at breaking down comms and providing very thought-invoking intel. hopefully he will take my “Friend request” and i can get permission to share more.
Putting the whole earth deal on hold.
Linda Zelenika Boros
literally blasted me with a drop that honestly…. if there’s a tipping point for starting some Revolutionary shit…. it’s now.
And that’s just part 1 of 30. 171 pages of
Honestly…. there’s nothing severe enough that can be said for you to understand the level of pure evil that “We the People” of the United States were about to undergo.
If you have nutjob pro vaccine friends and family…. make sure you shove this right in their faces
And since everyone is putting their picks to click for who will be the big first indictment unsealing and arresting candidates…..
I’m taking the complete House Of Representatives.
Especially the 419 pricks that voted for the 2020 CARES act to help those in economic need from the “virus” ….
On July 17, 2019……
Not a typo. The House knew about this when it was introduced on January 24th 2019 to the House Floor.
Funny. Wasn’t an Impeachment taking place as well? The Democrats and some@Republicans tried to MURDER US ALL.
So scoring at home. This files under High Treason for Crimes against Humanity being the one charge that cleans the entire House out. Done. Straight to the gallows for all you sick pricks. Because we are going to expect immediate justice to be levied due to this becoming not only High Treason but CAPITAL Treason at that. You just need 2 witnesses.
One is the evidence of the voting on the bill in 2019.
Second one. Anyone that has their hand up is picked. You witnessed the thwarted attempt to commit mass genocide to ALL of us and yet there’s a few that stood in the way along with the entire team of Patriots
President Trump.
General Flynn
The Q group that’s hidden within the NSA
The US Military
A few Benevolent Extraterrestrial groups
And last but certainly not least…by the grace of God did we get it just in time.
Unlike in other “platforms”, we like to give out credit and also show our research just so you all know that collectively we get shit done. Period. No deception. No fake news.
We made sure that everything is connected in a way, shape or form to constitute the flow of the entire narrative. Everything fits. Everything has its place.
You let Future Proving Past be the gauge on all past posts to gauge the truth to the previously posted “narrative” and make the necessary tweaks, swaps, deeper research etc.
You play to win the game.