The event will take place on June 21 or earlier ??



Sunday, June 17, 2018

The event will take place on June 21 or earlier

“Now we know” by (Anonymous) – 6.16.18
Entry presented anonymously at 9:37 PM EDT on June 16, 2018. The event will take place on or before June 21. The RV will happen directly afterwards. God has heard our supplications and He sees goodness in our souls. He sees that we not only speak from our egos minds. We speak from the heart. The heart is not capable of lying. When our hearts tell him that we are going to be good stewards of His abundance and do good things, He knows that it must be true. Humanity is going to receive a lot of help through this transition, but something tells me that we will not need it. We will know what needs to be done and what we will do. The health and prosperity of Heaven are ours. 

All the toxins of all will be eliminated. Nothing will ever hurt you again. Fear, anger, violence, tragedy of any kind will be something that we will see in movies and on television portrayed by actors and the digital improvement only for entertainment purposes. We will receive technological gifts from everywhere as we become part of the Galactic Family. This is the beginning of becoming what we really are, but it will be something that we, or anything else, have ever been. Benevolent physical gods.

Sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.