dutchsinse is covering it live (10:33pm PST)…..given the location i am going to put it out there that this is war – and the white hat alliance is taking out some very dark nests…
“China lake…..Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake….China Lake is the United States Navy‘s largest single landholding, representing 85% of the Navy’s land for weapons and armaments research, development, acquisition, testing and evaluation (RDAT&E) use and 38% of the Navy’s land holdings worldwide.
The China Lake Way, more formally known as Principles of Operation, were established in 1946 through the leadership of Vannevar Bush.” (SOURCE)
Now let’s explore deeper:
Weather Mod & China Lake Connection: Part 1 – The Secret City
“One disturbing publicly acknowledged project was a semi-autonomous patrol drone that ran on biomass. Yes, a flesh-eating robot, in essence. I’ve also run across reports from long-dead websites of such things as grenades that dissolve flesh, and exsanguinating bullets or darts. There are also unsubstantiated reports of low-grade seismic activity around the base. China Lake also has a disturbingly high suicide rate among personnel there.”