Number 9 holds within it a powerful resonance within our holofractographic, base -10 reality.
Nine is the largest number in the decimal system. Nine is really the largest number of all, as every other number thereafter is a reflection of the Ennead, expressing itself in scalar expansions and contractions of 10.

10 is not a number, but more of a concept, or you could say it’s Nature’s way of organizing herself. The Pythagoreans considered there to be only 7 numbers in reality. Unity and duality, 1 and 2, were not considered numbers. Numbers began at three and ended at the most auspicious of all, NINE.
Ancient mathematical philosophers called number 9 the “finishing post” and “that which brings completion”. – Michael Schneider – ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe’

Ten is the combination of something with nothing. The one is borrowed from the Ennead with the addition of zero to organize all numbers with this built-in qualitative invariance in their expansion and contraction. In other words 432,000, the number of years in the Kali Yuga (a time cycle in the Vedic tradition) has the same meaning and symbolism as 43,200, the number of seconds on the face of a clock, and the Great Pyramid’s expansion factor in relation to Earth’s northern hemisphere.
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