A Vision for the New Earth
Our Vision for today comes from our new friend in Colorado, Ron Radhoff, who is an amazing artist on so many levels. Ron states, “This meditation/visualization begins with a series of 3 deep breaths. — Next clear the mind, deeply relax. and visualize the wonders of our coming New Earth Paradigm.
We begin by visualizing a transformed New Earth where war, hunger, and poverty has been replaced by peace and abundance, all around our planet. Know that once desperate children are now getting new hope for their future by knowing they will all have many positive opportunities to contribute to life using their God given natural talents and abilities, because this, and much more, will be part of newly developed education system.
Stress and fear has been transformed into an atmosphere confidence, happiness, and joyous times, often with friends and family. Know that corrupt politicians have been removed and replaced by new high conscious inspirational leaders all around the globe always ensuring the fulfillment of the will of its people will be achieved..
Drugs of all kinds are no longer needed as all ineffective medical care has been replaced by true natural spiritual healing modalities. Know that toxic substances in food are no more as all food is now pure, alive, nutritious, and healthy. Oil based industries have been replaced by multiple sources of free energy.
Where there was lack and limitation, there is now equal abundance for everyone. See this and feel it. Where there was illness, there is now wellness. See this and feel it. Where there has been conflict for millennia of time, there is now world wide peace. Where there was sorrow, there is now much joy. You can see the shimmering cities we once viewed as the future now coming into formation throughout the world. See this now, feel it, and know all this has become very real.
Yes, see all this moving forward with everyone having pollution free transportation vehicles. The history of our planet has been rewritten because new technology, brought to us by our benevolent and loving friends from the inner earth, has allowed everyone to watch past events as they really happened in a holographic format. No more secrets, no more cover-ups. All interferences and limitations from our goodness and growth have been removed and replaced by our own sovereignty. The oxygen level has built back up. Also know our water and atmosphere has become clean and pure by the advanced technologies of our space brothers and our Agarthan friends from the inner earth. Other new technologies have eliminated the strain and difficulties when creating new advancements in all areas of life..
It is us, the people who decide what is important for us in our world and create it through the power of our full consciousness minds for we are all now co-creators within this New Earth. When we become still and open, we hear the Creators sweet song and focus on what it telling us; how much we are loved and blessed in this New World for now we are all ONE with the all of life in an atmosphere of harmony and kindness, as we give forth our very best for the good of the whole of all life in all realms.
Know the New Earth has been transformed to one of Global Peace and Brotherhood within all nations in the world, free of War, Control, the creation of FEAR, manipulations, and endless bureaucracy which has been previously created by self focused politicians.
Imagine now a new form of National and World News, that is no longer controlled by the elites, and only announces the good news of wonderful new events as they become manifest on the planet, and we swell up with joy deep within our hearts with every enfoldment of each new advancement.
Yes, Realize with certainty that together, with our positive visions for a New Earth, we have all created a STRONG positive energy and force through the Universal Law of Attraction and that powerful energy will change this world forever, for the good of the earth and all who reside upon her. Know that this beautiful vision for the future is unfolding right now and that all of us, right here, right now, have contributed to that creative effort. And with all that has been created, we realize that the best attitude is always one of gratitude.”
Beautiful! Thank You, Ron.
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