They’re Heeeeere!


Editor’s note:  First clip in this video shows a craft off the Oregon coast. We are in that vicinity.  And I will say the past two nights we have sky-watched, we see craft.  Tonight, my spouse and I both had this feeling “they” were “out there”.  So he heads out first while I’m in here doing some business when he says “honey get out here I see something!”  So I run outside and sure enough, there’s a large light in the eastern skies, heading south.  Just as we’re watching that we see something due North – it is large, much like the object seen in the video along the coast and it is rising quite quickly, moving east.  I run inside to grab the camera – and the damn “change battery pack” message shows up on the screen.  ARGH!  So I said “the new video camera!” (a friend gave us his video camera he doesn’t use).  So I’m quickly trying to figure out in the kitchen how to use it, get the basics, run back outside and turn it on only it was too late.  It had disappeared.  (I can hear people say yeah right – first your camera needs a battery charge then the video camera thing.  lol)  It was glowing white, rising in the northern skies.  Quite awesome.  A couple of nights ago it was a craft moving slowly, also in an eastern direction.  Amazing, new times we are in.  Watch the skies if you feel called.  

UFO sightings reported over USA !!! May 2017 – Updated


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.