I was thinking about our reproductive cycles earlier today. While there are women my age who have stopped cycling, I continue on, setting the intention that menopause will not be in my reality. I intend for my full shift to occur before this happens, thus allowing me to have full access again to my DNA, which includes no monthly cycles and no menopause.
I have long believed if men cycled the way we do, we would have recognized days off each month for each of us. (Jokingly I have also said we would have monthly deliveries of chocolate, chick flicks, heating pads and for some who so indulge, wine.) Looking back I do not recall ever missing a day of school or work due to my cycles. Not that it would not have been warranted, just that I was still under the spell of DO/BE/PRODUCE no matter how I was feeling.
When I was in my late 20’s/early 30’s, I recall reading books about celebrating our cycles. Dr. Christiane Northrup has said for years that this is a time for us to slow down, rest, not engage in life the way we normally do. Her words empowered me for some time.
Then I began to Remember.
Remember within my Being that prior to the beings messing with our DNA, we didn’t have these monthly cycles. If we wanted to have a baby, we communicated this with our body and then, being in a state of love and intention to create, we so did with our mate of equal consciousness.
When I began sharing this concept, I was told that it was a nice concept but I was nuts. I have held firm to this belief though. I know to the deepest parts of Who I Am that I get to control my reproductive system. I get to consciously determine when and if I wish to conceive.
Religions tell us that our cycles (as well as the pain of birth) are to punish us for our sins. Yeah, nice try archons and all others who messed with our beautiful, perfect DNA. We women don’t buy that line any longer.
We were born in purity. We ARE purity.
And so let us intend as we continue to evolve, awaken, REMEMBER, that part of this process is the return of control of our reproductive cycles back to the rightful owner: US.
Until then, I rest and slowly savor a piece of home-made dark chocolate with coconut and walnuts.
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[wpedon id=”208″ align=”left”]
that is a beautiful knowing that sounds perfect to me!
I hope that is you at the beach!
according to the rules in my mind it is. 😀 (next home – view of the beach and mountains/forest)