Tiffany FitzHenry ~ There Are No Rules Now


In case you haven’t noticed things have gotten kinda weird…

sven stoffels@svenstoffels

Joe Biden says the darndest things Cartoon. #JoeBiden #Biden #Biden2020

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If I had to assess where we are in the process of global awakening, I’d say we’re in a time one might call the “strange days.”

Whether it’s Joe Biden’s BEYOND BIZARRE comments, the President of Brazil outing Leo and NGOs as not quite what people think, or Kid Rock unleashing on Oprah Winfrey, one thing is clear, there are no rules anymore. It’s as if everyday is more elastic than the next. Things that perhaps we never considered, like climate activists lighting the Rainforest on fire, are now not only coming to pass..

Tiffany FitzHenry@Tiff_FitzHenry

The headquarters of a Brazil-based NGO has been raided by police, who also arrested four volunteer firefighters and accused them of starting wildfires to raise international funding. 

Police raid office of Brazil NGO linked to brigade that helped battle Amazon fires

Raid and arrests were a politically-motivated attack on dedicated firefighters and a respected NGO, indigenous associations and campaigners say

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We’re actually hearing about it in the most attention grabbing ways possible.

The President of Brazil didn’t just come out and say hey, there’s an investigation into how the fires were started and people from these ‘climate change’ NGOs have been arrested. He said Leonardo DiCaprio started the Rainforest fires!!!! Welcome to The Great Awakening! Welcome to The Revelation – all that was once hidden WILL be revealed!


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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