Tired and D O N E


Long night.

Attacks amped up – child waking up crying (makes for an even more tired mama).

Mate cut his finger quite deeply last night.

I wake up to see a lot of spam here – users locked out too from trying to sign in.

Certain stores are lifting the face diapers for those with the “v” and “for now” they won’t ask if one has had it.  Wanting to mix us all together with the shedding idiots, eh?

NO THANK YOU.  I want these people away from we “clean ones” and masked with respirators.

Donations are still down.

And so today?

I am just done.  Spent.  And absolutely having no concern for the sleepers and the zombies and the stewpid.

Done having to do this clearing cr@p of messes THEY create.

And quite done investing the time and energy I do here for simply not enough in return.

So time to pull back until more show me what I do has value.

That’s all I got atm.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “Tired and D O N E”

  1. Well…at least I know I’m not alone! The stoopids like to live in their stew pods.
    So let ‘sm stew in their own nightmares. Maybe get a group together and found a new paradigm island community in the outer reaches…call it Atlantis Rising.

    Yers trewly…
    Lemurian Renegade

  2. Take a break. I do. There is a lot of garbage to plow through. Rest up. Come back when there is a story with a lot of meat on it. (Not “fake” meat.) There are a bunch of other people out there who will cover for you.
    P.S., I like that you include spiritual, science, and other on your website.

  3. I always got the feel(s) that your blogs were like a personal diary of things /situations/emotions of your life and subjects you saw in your daily interests..headlines/stories..that you were sharing for the sake of sharing.

    Perhaps now with a break you will have the time to move on to something else and maybe there you will find $’s you want for your life.

    “Dedication is the warrior’s prayer unto their self.It is a mode of fierce concentration in which you become so attached and devoted to your cause that eventually life has to give you everything that you desire. Dedication is vital. You have to live your life like a warrior and live and breathe your ambitions. ”
    Stuart Wilde

  4. I often feel the same way…As a teacher of 25 + years, I can totally relate. However, your efforts have not been in vein. You have shone the light on the evil that rules this world. A new era is upon us, and the procession cycle of the Golden Age is at hand, I pray that humanity can finally end their rule .

    Thanks for love and support!

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