To All The Starseeds, Misfits, Sensitives, Truthers, Anons…..


Going out into the world of social media earlier today, I was greeted with a bunch of unwanted verbiage.  Words of how people need to push themselves, conform to the capitalist way, rugged individualism and the like.  The image of Jesus came to mind where he’s throwing out the money changers.  Not that he was against money necessarily, just the worship of it, going beyond the concept of it being a tool of exchange and instead what it has been used as: a means to control people and deny access to abundance to everyone.

Did any of this happen?  Was Jesus real or myth?  Or both?

I don’t really care as I am not attached to any religious teaching, other than the be kind (and don’t take sheot).  So, for someone like myself, I’m ok if Jesus was a real human or if he’s just a made-up story.

It’s the message(s) that are important.  

And if Jesus were here today doing and speaking his thing, he would probably be considered one of us:  The Starseeds.  Truthers.  Sensitives.  Misfits.  Anons.  We don’t come here to fit in – many of us tried but surrendered to the truth that we never will no matter how much we push and fake it otherwise:  we come here to expose the b.s., the lies, the corruption, the evil and bring it all down.

Did we choose this?  I don’t know.  I no longer care.  No one knows for certain, even though many claim to.  All I KNOW is how I feel and have felt my entire experience and that is 3 simple words:  OUT OF PLACE.

There are various levels of Awakening and I continue to see some (many) in the MAGA movement still not “getting it”.  They still want to be told what to do.  They still support pay to live and believe you get what you give (without seeing the truth that so many give and give and get sheot on by the system). Worship invisible male gods.  Rugged individualism.  Do it yourself.  As I tell my girl, “There’s a reason why there’s more than one of us here.”  What’s that saying?  United we stand, divided we fall.

And wow are we still divided.

And that has taken a big ‘ole toll on us truth-seeking misfits and starseeds who for many of us have been trying to change minds and hearts to at least CONSIDER a reality of joy, abundance for ALL.  Like it did for me today.  Heading out, I arrive at the store and see the person next to me pulling up, parking, wearing a face mask.


That’s all I could and can think – this nonsense is still. going. on.

It’s an energy.  We can ignore it all we want – but that energy is still out there.  We can pretend to engage in “live and let live” (let them wear their masks and line up to take their jabs) but this is clearly – CLEARLY – a frequency created by the consciousness – the program – that seeks to frighten and thus control.

And we misfits and starseeds – WE FEEL THIS.  We KNOW this.  And it sucks!

I enter the store – and see more masked faces than I have in a while.  And now all I can think is ALL of this stuff coming out – even with a Kennedy democrat on stage talking about health and poisons and vaxxines – and people are still taking their jabs and masking up.

And now all I can think is ok – just like that John Cougar song that divinely played in my car on the way home (Authority Song – which I haven’t heard in well over 20 years) – I came here fighting authority.  The system.  And while I am blessed and grateful I have never. stopped. – I’m TIRED.


When do OUR ENERGIES we misfits/starseeds/truthers/anons put out there every day all day year after year actually CHANGE this reality?

W H E N?!

WHEN does it transform into OUR visions?

WHEN does it conform to OUR COMMANDS?

W H E N?!?!?  (did I already ask that?)

I contemplate – how many of these people – upon their death – have requested to be masked when they are buried?  Seriously.  I’m near positive there has to be at least one.  The programming is so. locked. in – unlocking is literally like breaking an addiction.  And as one who has become quite informed on our nervous system, how it works, and how certain programming/behaviors aimed at us can make it very challenging to detach and return to Wholeness/Center again, I see now that those still engaging in the propaganda are addicted to it.

As designed.

And it makes me wonder why the fook we were ever here to begin with.  Most of us are too broke, impoverished, tired or simply apathetic to unite and do much of anything requiring ongoing action.  Any spare energy is reserved for us to keep going in a system that is absolutely positively fully completely contrary to who we are.

Earlier today, I thought if Jesus were literally to pay us a visit, he would say something like this:  “What the holy fuch are you idiots allowing for all of this homelessness and poverty and disease?  Did you not learn ANYTHING?  Church leaders – where are you?  Hmm?  People need a home?  PUT THEM IN A FRIGGING HOME.  They need to eat?  GIVE THEM FOOD.  They sick?  RELEASE THE CURES AND HEAL THEM.”  Then his wife Mary would come in with her mama energies and demand the same entities who poisoned the waters and air and food to “CLEAN UP THIS RIDICULOUS MESS.  NOW!”

And don’t make me give you that “MAMA BE ANGRY DONE FED UP” look.

Again, not that I honestly care what Jesus or Mary or any other religious figure had to say or has to say.  I care about MY truth.  I care about the truths of those like me.  I care about OUR visions.  Our desired reality of freedom FROM “them” and their toxic lying controlling filth.

OUR visions of sparkling pure sunshine magical wholeness and pure DNA physicality creating in the original pure uncorrupted manner in which we know we are all designed to and once had.  Real Freedom.


For now, I, we, remain misfits, pretending to find some connection in a world we all know we do not belong in.  Because sometimes, pretending is all we can do to keep going.  And finding validation and comfort with those like us.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “To All The Starseeds, Misfits, Sensitives, Truthers, Anons…..”

  1. Victoria
    I so feel you.May I add that it seems as
    If we are pushed a bit to always be positive,don’t get mad don’t react,etc etc.All these feelings and what not are part of the human experience.In my opinion I do believe that tears are scared and although it’s important to not wallow or stay in any of it too long it’s equally important to be a warrior of truth if that is in your heart.Stand firm.
    I’m very much a sensitive person and very tired Hopefully it doesn’t get much darker before the dawn. Im grateful for all the supporters supporting the suport;)
    Thank you for being.Kim

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