Low energy day today. Itching became intense last night – quite suddenly and continued into this morning. I remembered reading a brief Lisa Brown update where she said crystalline codes were coming in which could mean the “itchies” again. A ha. Ok then, I know what can follow with that ~ either more itching or some huge download that renders me zombified.
What followed after I got out of bed today was strange sensations in my lower regions ~ as though I had this energy bubble needing released. Quite uncomfortable. Heat and rest did nothing so I opted to move.
Yoga ~ lots of stretching ~ nothing other than temporary relief.
So I put on my jacket, tennis shoes and headed out for a walk. The weather was not in compliance as we are under yet another assault of geo-engineered crap of rain, mist and chronic clouds. There is a sun there somewhere right? I wouldn’t know – it’s been some time since we have seen whatever it is that brings us warmth.
I moved my body as best as I could but began having tension in my back, which I massaged and rubbed ~ stretched. I kept at it until about halfway into my normal alone just me walking routine my body was screaming “would you just love me damnit and quit trying to exercise me??”
So I complied.
I feel exhausted. Nauseous. I feel inflamed. Overwhelmed. I will be spending much of this evening alone, door shut, doing energy work on myself and whatever else I need to do to care for my vessel. I have a feeling about the strange/heaviness in my lower body ~I have a feeling it is an ancient memory/experience I have carried for many lifetimes. It feels quite old and I have a pretty good feel for it relates to.
Yesterday was much better. lol
Tuning into nature, the trees are done. Finished. Distressed. We have two beauties on our property and both of them, especially the one out back has communicated to both of us that they just want to go home. They are done with the fake sun. Fake warmth. The endless rain and gray and the poisoned environment. As YRFT says “all life goes. People. Animals. Plants.”
Speaking of nature, the loud on-going chirping birds were at it again today, only it sounded like there was more this time and they were thus louder, more vocal. It went on for over an hour. We monitored it throughout and I captured a few videos. I’m including one below.
Much love,
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Omg, your voice sounds just like mine!!
Yes, I cannot believe how bad the trees look. Many have this green fungus covering them, and many have died. I will see them on the other side of the veil. They are already there…thriving.
Hardly see any animals around either. My comfort is they are there too.