Today’s Energies and Captures


i’m feeling that schumann bubble of bliss…i actually awoke feeling so amazingly peaceful, the song “Too Much Heaven” going through my mind. my heart was so content.  my mind, serene.  and it continued after i awoke fully.  so below is the recent schumann as well as some interesting captures on the lasco including what seems to be a massive explosion which i find highly interesting considering mercury’s recent approach of it.  another false construct biting the dust?  stay tuned those answers are forthcoming. mercury is closest to the sun…venus is allegedly already gone…we also saw jupiter exit in the opposite direction w/a huge explosion….so that means we are up next (to portal out of the sun).  and given the clip it was going – it was going straight into the sun.  no transit.  why can’t we see it?  notice the Pleiades star cluster – tits transiting (at least the projection is showing us a transit).

aaaaand no idea what that massive dragon-fly type object is.

aaaaaand hey – NASA is now saying there’s water in space.  disclosure of where we’ve actually been?  (i’m continuing to feel such disclosures are more for people going to the “west” experience…)

an update on the lisa harrison livestream – i do not know why it has yet to happen.  perhaps i misunderstood the time/time difference.  i saw 17:00 on tuesday the 21st and assumed that was HER time.  perhaps it was my time (pacific).  if so it will be happening in 30 minutes and if so, i will link it here.

love to you all,


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.