Today’s Experience ~ A Personal Message to the Energies Spikin’ The Schumann


Ok energies~

Normally I can integrate and find some balance when you go wonky.

Normally rest and a nap suffice.

Not today.

Today the concept of remaining vertical is, let’s face it, impossible.

A “fall on your face” day.

I awoke feeling you ~ smelling sulfur coming out of me.

I started the day feeling hot.  Very hot.  As in open the windows so I can stabilize.

It’s cold here.  45 and cloudy.

And yet I was inside with a tank top, trying to remove the weight on my chest so I could breathe.  Oh, and cool myself down.

Cooling I received.

A couple hours later I am wrapped up in blankets, layers, heating buddies and laundry just out of the dryer ~ shivering.

Two naps later, my body feels more stable.

Perhaps that’s due to the 30 minute long anxiety attack I had.  Lots of shaking and releasing.

Breathe and let it go has been the mantra today.

I felt sudden, rather extreme frustration prior to taking one of my naps so I pulled out my punching bag.

Normally I can strike it about 150 blows before I have to rest.


10 blows and I was winded, leaning on the counter.

WTF??!!  lol

Today I feel powerless to release the angst within.

Maybe this is the extra weight that has shown up on my body recently.

A protection perhaps.

“I don’t know what to do anymore” are the words I just heard my mate mutter.

Other than continue to focus on what I desire and accepting how I feel, a paradox most of the time, I don’t either.

So there you have it energies.  If you have some words of wisdom to share, I am listening.  If not, well let’s get ‘er done.  Mama is ready to GO.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

5 thoughts on “Today’s Experience ~ A Personal Message to the Energies Spikin’ The Schumann”

  1. I don’t really have any words of wisdom for you but we’ve been having the same symptoms here in Kansas as you are there. And, I said the same thing to my husband as well, “I just don’t know what to do anymore!” as I go from one thing to the next and don’t feel like doing a darned thing. So, I check sites on the computer, check spaceweather, etc. and see what is going on in other parts of the world. We’re ready to go to our original home as well.
    Love ya,

  2. Hmmm! Twice in 24 hrs re: I don’t know what to do. I realized that I do know what to do. Just allow! I am so fed up with the “news”, politics, and just about everything else. It’s time for me to sit in quiet meditation and contemplation of the ISNESS. I’ve been extremely hot today, too as well as uncomfortable in the chest. Big windstorm up here and arctic outbreak coming tomorrow. Spring may get nipped in the bud literally. Celebrate the ISNESS! jim

  3. Ha ha ha! Not sure where “here” is for you, but even 45 and cloudy would be considered warm here in La Crosse, WI. Since Saturn entered the sign of Capricorn on 19 December, it has been predictably cold. Last year on the 19th of February, I can remember grilling outside because it was 65, when a friend was having her birthday. Even 12 above feels warm when it is sunny! Unfortunately, like a hibernating bear, I’ve gained 10 unwanted pounds. I also can’t stop myself from eating, just to stay warm. It looks like each of us has our own different Walk Through Hell to deal with before reaching 5D.

  4. thank you everyone. i actually didn’t expect any comments – didn’t share the piece on the other outlets i normally do. i do thank you all for your comments. i take them all in and feel you thoughtfulness in the words.

    it’s this restlessness – this feeling i want to be doing more – want to be elsewhere. i can typically handle that – even find joy and fun – today that was just a big experience having to fully face it. allowing it. playing the guitar helped. i struggle to open my heart – but now know to surrender to the struggle and just let it all be.

    oh forgot to add – the chest issues – yes. heaviness and the itching came back an hour or so for a bit. i did hear someone speak of the hot and cold extremes – the hot indicates we are burning up old programs – then the cold follows which is an indication of plasma entering the body to form the new. that is not my line of expertise – but given this is my experience physically i can see the meaning in this theory.

    love to you all. may warm temp weather manifest for us all. 65 and sun and an outdoo bbq sounds lovely! xoxo

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