Today began after a long night. Anyone having the experience that your attempts at working with the energies to create what you wish aren’t working so well (yet)? I put up the energy grid of protection for us all. Intended certain sleep-time experiences.
Had a completely different experience that was not of my conscious choosing.
Woke up early to get necessary documents for a phone interview with a local agency for assistance paying the electric bill for the winter. Phone call came in and immediately the eligibility clerk is telling me we don’t meet the criteria for a phone interview. What? I did 2 weeks ago and wasn’t this the phone interview? It took me almost 10 days just to get through to make the appointment. I tell her this IS the phone interview. When did things suddenly change? She then had to speak with her supervisor and get back to me.
A couple of minutes later she phones and relays information that is NOT factual and I again reiterate my position – remind her it was she herself I originally spoke to and made the phone interview. Yes, she remembered. She said she was putting me on hold to go speak with her Supervisor again.
When my phone remained silent for too long, I looked down and see she had hung up. And she did not phone back.
So I called the agency – left 2 separate voice mail messages including one in her voice mail box.
Then interestingly enough, the latest power bill arrives that includes the threat of a shut-off notice.
You see, early this year our state decided to approve the installation of those smart meter’s (think CALI fires and DEW weapons). In three different phone calls with the utility company I opted out while also refusing to consent to paying for someone to come out and read the meter (never had to do that before – total power over tactic). In each conversation I was told I could be held liable for collection fees. Not ONCE was I told I could face a shut-off notice for failing to pay the non-standard (as they call it) meter reading fee.
So each month since August I have sent hand-written a letter to the utility company, telling them the reasons for the amount I am paying and again, reiterating my refusal to consent to paying the non-standard meter reading fee.
They think they can threaten us to shut off our electricity when I HAVE BEEN PAYING for our electrical use AND typical standard fees all along?
So we will now have to check into this from a legal perspective. We do have options and I am not letting myself freak out about this. But I am pissed off nonetheless. This isn’t right. Righteous anger is what I am experiencing. Threatening to shut off our power because I have refused to pay for their employee to come out and read our meter even though these same people have been performing the same activity for decades without charging us for it?
And now we have the local agency – after arranging for a phone interview to seek some $$ relief from winter hearing bills – telling me we don’t qualify for such an interview at this time? After originally telling me we do (and I have done this the last 3 years as well with them)….
This month has been hit after hit – simply put. First having to submit to the home owner in order to get a refrigerator by agreeing to a rent increase (in spite of that move by her being illegal and in violation of local and state rental law) – because she holds it over our head how generous she’s been by letting us live here this long….then to learn my mate’s health insurance premium jumps up while another source of income is going down. My mate had to go to urgent care last Friday – sprained wrist. Who knows how much that will cost. And he is beginning with a new doctor for what will likely be a year of specialist visits, scans and likely a surgery or two. This lingering cold virus – this manufactured (so obvious to me by now) virus that seems to have been sprayed throughout the nation as we are seeing the same symptoms throughout the country. And then there was having 2 officials from the school district show up on my front step asking me if we have a home-schooled child here. Someone around here reported me even though homeschooling is legal here – and in fact we have the most lenient of all home-schooled laws in the country. Concern she wasn’t registered. WTF?! I know the law. Nanny state combined with an over zealous, nosy bot who doesn’t care about this family. If he/she did, they would have walked over and asked “hey what do you need?” Instead they crossed a huge personal boundary and stuck their damn nose where it doesn’t belong.
Can’t we be KIND to one another? Supportive? Accepting of differing views and choices? Seriously – can’t we just be KIND to one another?
Any power over behavior is such an illusion in that it pulls us out of who we are – making us forget our Oneness.
NONE of us is above another. Not a damn one of us.
ALL are equally deserving of the most awesome beautiful creation here.
And yet the systems of enslavement keep on grinding away.
Doorway out, please.
Deep breath……….
THANK YOU to the wonderful YOU’S who come here, read and support my work with your beautiful donations! I do not know what I would be doing right now without you – and that is probably the most powerfully packed sentence in this entire piece. [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]
I don’t want to have to handle these situations – but I do. And I continue to focus on the reality OF MY CHOOSING. Where ALL I experience and ONLY all that I experience is Love. Freedom. Kindness. Understanding. And generosity. That is who I attempt to be and become again each day.
I leave you with a couple of “look here” moments – songs playing on the Soundscape channel. Such moments are also what keep me going.
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