Today’s Experiences and Feels


totally intuitive sharing here.  take it for what it is.  as allison coe always says “i make no predictions with DATES but it (the event wave) IS coming”.  so if this “feel” i and others are having is real, it is all happening at any “time”.

this morning my mate and i each had “the event” type dreams.  mine was more of a feel – so a bit more boring than my mate’s.  i just had a feel i was in that energy and i could feel my body soften and completely relax.  i felt i could levitate.  it was most palpable in my heart region.  i felt totally blissful.

my mate’s dream was pretty darn cool – a visual one.  before going to sleep he intended for a benevolent e.t. to visit him in his sleep.  he then had a dream of a beautiful male, human looking, only taller.  long hair.  chiseled features.  dressed all in white.  he is standing in front of my mate, excited, hands on my mate’s shoulder’s saying “the event’s almost here!” repeatedly.  my mate said he was VERY excited – more excited than my mate.  the experience gave my mate some MUCH NEEDED hope.

people are sharing their dreams of seeing the energy.  it’s usually purple (interesting as i have stated – the color purple has been showing up on the magnetosphere the past week).  when i woke up i began hearing “the skies were all purple there were people running everywhere”.

last night i received more clarification – more insight – on the event dream i had.  i had known i had seen new planets in the dream – but i had forgotten their positioning – they were lined up – one in back of another.  i recall seeing 3.  supposedly the planets are lining up now.

i am trying to make sense of this given i believe this has been a simulation in which we reside.  any planetary objects we see are based on the “real thing” and are projected ….  or they are in the space outside of this realm.

dimensional.  last night i also recall that in the last few weeks i have had a subtle call to observe the clouds.  at times – this is going to sound strange but here it is nonetheless – at times it is as though i can see another dimension behind the clouds.  another “world”.  the clouds look as though they have another dimension around them.  it’s the strangest thing and i don’t see it daily but it is something i began noticing.

one of the main “players” in the event dream i had too – i have seen him numerous times today.  more than i have ever seen him in one day.  if today were “it” it would be in total alignment w/the weather we are having and the weather i saw in the dream.

then there was the message from my buddy rick who said clair (soul group being we both speak with – he more than i do – as she said “i am always occupied” – lol) said a major acceleration of things is underway.

obviously things are getting closer.

today at the table i was sharing a bit of info about some car issues i have.  i have experienced 5 accidents in this body – 3 i remember.  as i spoke of this i could still feel the trauma in my body.  it is less i know, but still there and i know it will be healed.  nonetheless i felt myself slip away some so i said “ok girl power it up.”  as i did i felt the need to tune in and ask for help.  said i was open again to receiving some “help” – guidance – from benevolent divine beings – after being completely shut off to all of that for a couple of years now.  i felt the pathways to such connections were – are – purer now.  less likely of hijack.

well immediately upon doing that i heard what felt like a variety of being’s “yes we are here how may we be of service”.  i was surprised – felt a nice soft peace around me.  i asked for some more power up – and to “smooth away” the energy that was causing me to feel detached.  it worked.

one last note to share.  mate went to store.  he walks in – ac/dc is playing “thunderstruck”.  as he walks in he hears the line “FREEDOM!” to which he says out loud, loudly, “freedom!”  everyone look at him.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”cool” wrap=”i”]

woops – not one last share.  mate just had another moment.  a song came on as he walked into his man wave and he heard “it’s time!”

freedom.  it is being returned.  can you feel it?

lotso mushy love,



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.