Today’s Experiences ~ Weirdness Continues


UPDATE:  In my state of wooze, I forgot a couple of things.  One, I have not been able to wear my pendulum or other stone based jewelry I normally wear.  A sudden aversion with that.  Same for the rose oil I wear daily (for its assistance w/opening the heart chakra).  And two, while at the breakfast table, I had worked with my energy and thoughts, ramping them up, elevating them.  As I felt them working in my body my girl suddenly looks at me and says “Mama!  You look taller!”  I looked at my mate with a quizzical look and he agreed.  I then looked down at my plate and wow – sure enough – it felt rather “waaaay” down there.  I did one of those blinking the eye gather my senses what’s going on and let that sink in.  I’m also really into my fidget spinner ~ watching it spin and just holding it.  That and watching the skies.  Needing that inner quiet solitude only continues to strengthen…

While in the shower I received the first two insights:

  1. It has now become easier to let go of programming and we are being helped with this.  There is so much we have been programmed with including some of the ascension stuff.  ANYTHING that is about controlling ourselves or another, ANYTHING that has the power-over energy/behavior/experience is false.
  2. We are not fully in our bodies nor are we fully in our Full Self but all of that is changing and merging again – in greatness at this “time”.  As I felt this message, I had a flash of an image of myself in another realm, kind of like the video game player and I am the game.  As I saw this vision, I got very dizzy and had to lean into the shower wall.  So that’s why we are having so much dizziness.  It isn’t just due to the magnetic’s.
  3. Along those lines, when I suddenly HAD to lay down (HAD TO), my left hand began to buzz and felt like it wanted to float away.  Yeah, strange!  Then as I looked at it, I felt I was looking at it for the first time, and felt really detached from it.
  4. The sun is off again – farther South than it should be right now at this time (5:50pm PST).
  5. Speaking now with several other people who are either not aware of what’s going on to yeah having an inkling ~ all are saying my goodness I am exhausted I feel like I am not altogether “here” to just simply feeling “off” and “weird”.  It’s happening and we are about ready to exit.  I FEEEEEL it.

Now for a humbling moment.  As I was finishing this up, there was a knock on the door.  A middle aged man, apologizing for disturbing me, was looking for odd jobs to do to make money or either bottles and cans to cash in for money.  He said he and his wife are living in a 30 foot trailer and he needed money to get some propane.  Damn.  I felt for him.  I told him briefly our own situation and so we were in no position to hire him out.  We had also just turned in our bottles yesterday.  He thanked me and went next door, then took off in his vehicle.  As he did I thought wait a minute, I have some bills in my wallet as does my mate. So I grab some money and take off looking for him.  I couldn’t find him.  He must have left the neighborhood altogether.

I have had this behavior style where I often don’t know how to respond fully in the moment ~ especially when faced with a situation that catches me off guard.  Now if it’s an emergency and someone needs immediate help, that’s when I know what to do.  But situations such as the one above?  I don’t always get clear until after-the-fact and it annoys me to no end – as it did today.  Why didn’t I stop and think at the time “hmm, I have a few dollars on me I can give to him”.

Well, it gave me pause as I ran around the neighborhood (where did I get this energy??) – to give thanks to my living situation.  And really feel the gratitude.

As I end this, I look outside – the sun is suddenly very far north.

Strange days continue…



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Experiences ~ Weirdness Continues”

  1. I know that exact feeling. I have regretted not helping two strangers who i know needed help.
    One was last summer and the other probably 8 years ago…
    But for some reason at the time, my health was not great, but i knew i should help them.
    I passed them by, and I still regret it to this day….
    Live and Do Better!!!!

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