Today’s Finds and Synchs ~ A gematria and The Final Battle (or The Final Countdown): 10.14.24




Was more interested in the inner world than the outer.  Wrote a little piece you can read here.

N’oubliez pas de faire un don et de partager.








Gematria:  EUROPA


The Plan

Red Pill











Well I have felt for some time it is possible if AI is being used for GOOD to bust us outta here……..the collective awakening – for each moment someone questions this place, a piece of the matrix crumbles………my feel………..and yet i also feel we’ve reached that 100th monkey effect – and it’s possible even the matrix itself is an illusion…………we keep it going by participating in it……….sometimes i wonder if we all just stay home – refuse to go/do anything – and collectively say NO to this place………..


May be an image of ticket stub and text










Airplane passenger sees something OMINOUS while looking out the window at 35k ft!!



on a sudden whim i decided to pull a card – wondering where are we going are we getting out of this place transforming and liberating ourselves to a new world/reality/experience:

8 of Pentacles

Get a free one card tarot reading


Indicates the hard work and efforts we have put in will pay off – new work – success – achieving goals – diligence – it may appear to be mundane and boring at this point but keep going as success is right there….

A dangling of the carrot message?  Does it matter?  We are powerful and together our minds are changing this entire reality – calling it out – seeing it for what it is – collectively saying NO to it while collectively calling forth what we want:  Freedom.  Good health.  Long life.  Love.  Connection.  Pure water, food – you know – a reality without any of “their” energies.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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