Today’s Headlines and Finds ~ Part 2………..And some cute furries and musical goodies


Hey friends ~

So much is flowing now – I’m grabbing what I can (and when I can – at one point I was making homemade beef veggie soup, washing dishes, talking with my girl about the Emerson essay she’s reading, and reaching for a loaf of Sourdough, realized we didn’t have as much so left a quick list of instructions for my girl as I made a quick trip to the store – which ended up with her calling me saying “mom the timer is going off I don’t remember what to do”…….🙄😂).  Please remember to SHARE my work and donate what you can.  Things are really getting interesting – Trump still has no rallies scheduled for October – and there will be no more debates – and Congress (Senate) – 118th –  has no sessions scheduled for the month of October.  See more here and here.  RIG FOR RED.  HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER.  And interestingly enough – RIG FOR RED has a 4 year delta today.  SYNCH!





twitter friends were able to take a screen capture (probably w/the phone – i don’t use my phone for my sleuthing):






Ok I don’t remember if I shared this earlier – but I think I get what the [P] 17 referred to years ago………In 3 posts only, btw……



So…………the real deal or no go in CALI politics?


That’s the “TIMBER” guy…………..Show and tell?  Last few words…….









I heard them all growing up………..😂

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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