Today’s Headlines. Breaking News. World stage happenings.


When you’re trying to gather more people to your site, you need to focus on SEO (hence the boring post topic).  I’m a creative person, but writing cute little creative post titles doesn’t make you popular on google, etc.

I was thinking of all those old, archaic phrases we’ve been programmed to beLIEve are “real”.  Beggers can’t be choosers.  Don’t bit off the hand that feeds you.  You aren’t deserving because you haven’t worked as hard.

blah blah blah

At this point my body and Soul immediately reject them all.  They’re background noise for me.

To Awaken is to reclaim our Worth.  Our Freedom.  Our RIGHT to live/be/do as we CHOOSE in so long as that doing doesn’t stop another from enjoying that same choice/freedom – but do I really even need to say THAT anymore?  I don’t think so.  For to make a conscious Choice from our Hearts is to make such a choice based ON Freedom.

So much intimidation now.  Are we going to take it?  Are we going to just allow everything to happen trusting in some outside force to do it all for us?

While I feeeeeeeeeeeeel there is outside help, outside assistance, we have to do some of this ourselves.  Whether we speak the words or assert our Energies of Freedom doesn’t really matter – in so long as we are each DOING something to reclaim our Rights.  Our Worth.  Our Freedom.

This song is my song atm.


I know so many of you – most – are tired.  You’re tired of this “movie”.  You’re tired of war.  You are tired of the cost of everything.  Weary of wondering “how much longer”.  I get that.  KEEP GOING.  Rest.  Get back up and find some way to focus on what you want.  Fight for it – in your own way (however that looks).  We all deserve to be free.

Here’s what’s happening – as the post title says.  Please remember to share and donate what you can (I got interrupted doing this – daughter says the hairdryer stopped working – it did.  Off to buy another one.  Savings?  What’s that?!)






How about NO MORE cookies?  (i know – it’s referring to websites demanding you take their tracking cookies to continue – but still – a nice idea, eh?)



That earthquake info out of Nevada I shared last night – I saw a video last night (that is not showing up in my history) – there were many such “quakes” as I said – but they were also in a line – not following any known fault lines.  That says to me OPS continue.



It’s true.  Mine keeps jumping every 6 months……




Report: Trump Is Mulling Over Firing Campaign Managers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles


Report: Border Agents Told To Turn In Family and Co-workers Over Election Beliefs


Now I want a cookie.  The power of suggestion.  Watch what you focus on girl………..(and boys)

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.