Today’s Inner Experience/Reflections


I read of a woman’s experience on a social media group I belong to (about The Event).  She pulled into work, sat in her car and wept.  “I can’t do this any longer,” she said.  Not just her “job” but the whole 3D work pay for a living.  The whole thing.  All that is fake.  All that is not of freedom.

I read her words, feeling it, taking it all in.  What could I say other than “me too”.  Lots of well meaning advice was forth coming and yet as many of us know, when you reach that “I am done” experience, no amount of advice cancels that out.

When we know we are We Are D O N E.

I headed to the store later and became overwhelmed.  My girl, who we gave to so much the past 2 weeks, both my mate and I knocked out of our comfort zone to give her an amazing birthday celebration, suddenly was not happy with my choice of clerks.  She wanted to go to another clerk and was being quite vocal about it.  I did deep breaths and essentially ignored her demands. The clerk asked if she wanted a sticker and began engaging in a conversation with my girl.  I was beginning to melt down on the inside but I kept it together.

I got into the car and the song “Runaway Train” was one ~ a song I love.  As I heard the line “run away train, never going back” I could feel deeply ~ AGAIN ~ how DONE I am with all of this crap.  I am so exhausted today after yesterday’s celebration.  And my body responded very negatively to the food.  Sensitivities to ALL that doesn’t support me and who I am only increase.

So hearing this song and taking in all of the whirl of activities and demands of the past 2 weeks plus recalling the woman’s experience was enough.

I exploded.

Well more like leaked.

I began to weep.

Made it home.  Walked inside, dumped groceries on the counter and made it to the bathroom where I poured out tears.  My mate heard me, came in and gave me a hug.  My child, focused on yet another birthday celebration up the street (in which we were all invited), said her good-bye and took off for more cake.

My mate soon followed.

And now here I am ~ alone in the house ~ still feeling on the inside how DONE I am.  How unfair it all is.  Saw another piece saying “we have reached critical mass for the event”….and I want to scream.  I have read this before.

As my mate says, “NOW is a good time!”

This has become too damn difficult.  So many of our needs ~ health needs primarily ~ are going unmet because we are still in this pay to live matrix.

HOW MUCH LONGER???!!!  A legitimate question.

I had the idea that it is TIME for US to proclaim WE are the Beings to be channeled into higher dimensions of Love and Freedom to NOT tell THEM how to “be/do in order TO….” as so many of these damn channeled messages entail but to proclaim WE ARE DONE HELP US PLEASE!

Waiting feels like torture at this point and while we can find the peace and calm when we set the intention/focus, we still have that inner “I AM DONE” experience that is NOT going to just dissipate or manifest into something different for it comes from Truth.  Deep abiding knowing Truth.

Pull down the damn lying curtain and let those of us who are DONE….. GO.

Be free.

Freedom.  Freedom to choose fully.

Freedom to create as we wish.

Enough IS enough.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.