Today’s Pondering’s…


Well, I did have some good insight’s that, as always, arise when I am in the shower.  Now I seem to have forgotten them.

So instead I will begin with a thought I have been having lately:  How much longer will I be needing to do this site?  I really feel we are on the cusp of such massive change, I have this ongoing feeling I am going to be called to a new role.  Certainly if what I and you and so many others have seen/felt is going to be occurring in the upcoming weeks/months, I will be one of the ones in my area to be a go-to.  I have given out enough business cards and spoken with others in my little ‘hood here, I am sure some will say “Hey let’s go talk to Victoria.  She’s into this woo-woo stuff.  Maybe she can explain.”

Or maybe this is all just a bunch of silly nonsense.  Some days I have to ponder that as this waiting experience tempts me to just toss the past 20 years and move onto something more practical.

But that is not who I am.

I ponder the changes to come.  I read some channeled piece earlier that spoke of the upcoming changes and how chaotic, abrupt and violent they will be for awhile, implying the necessity in this.

Nonsense.  Absolutely frigging nonsense.

Change is scary.  Cognitive dissonance is going to be a real issue.  However, reading how many will be displaced from their homes, left to fend for themselves and how many souls will simply choose to leave (because it is part of the plan) doesn’t resonate one bit with me.

To begin with, there is suppressed tech waiting to be released to ensure we do not have to experience hunger and homelessness and disease. Tech to clean up our environment quickly.

We have had enough of the suffering already, right?  Hasn’t that been part of the enslavement agenda?  Oooh, it’s good for you.  Builds character.  Teaches you invaluable lessons.


Another question ~ how do these (supposedly) enlightened ascended ones know souls will choose to leave?  Again, more nonsense.

And please ~ doesn’t anyone realize when these beings address the masses as “children” and “dear ones” ~ they are not seeing us as equals?

Again, we have had enough power-over and “we know what’s best”, right?

If I were in the position of being one of those Beings capable of sending messages to the masses, I would be using my Ascended Abilities to HELP.  I would ask “What do you need?” and if I could provide it, by goddess I would. If I couldn’t, I’d search the cosmos for those who could.

This IS a rescue mission here.  And ALL are being called to participate.  For when one is truly liberated, given his/her freedom, that benefits the Whole.

I would also be working with other Being’s to ensure a smooth transition.

It saddens me, frustrates me more than anything, to continue to read this nonsense that is just another layer of this darkness of separation that is ending.

Perhaps some final messages they are trying to toss out in the hopes of keeping people in fear as long as possible?  Realizing “they” won’t be worshiped or looked up to any longer?

The reason I began this website really did start with the phrase:  Love In Action ~ Now and what that phrase, overall, means to me:

Love helps.

It is that simple.

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Your support this past year has meant so much to me and to be honest, has surprised me.  I dove into this over 10 years ago and started my first blog.  I was lucky to have 5 followers.  Now I have over 100 subscribers and who knows how many others who aren’t subscribed. Pretty good for going this alone in one year. I am humbled by the experience.

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.