Today’s Question ~ And Finds and a fascinating gematria




What is real?

Is it possible that the main reason for the “actors” (people impersonating the original) – is to get us to truly see this entire experience for what it is: a fake reality (aka the truman show)?

And those people – and those moments – where “something” comes along to divert your attention away from wanting to know the Truth of your experience – are all part of that AI simulation hive-mind (that has been in all of us) created to distract you and thus giving you the experience of (external) doubt because the AI is sentient enough as it is self-aware and thus seeks its own survival.

Here’s what I’m seeing.






LIVE NOW: President Trump Holds Massive Rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania — Thousands Line Up to See Trump | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Judge Bans X In Brazil For Refusing To Comply With Demands | ZeroHedge







Fake?  Real?  Both?  I see all of this “stuff” on X and elsewhere and I think ok if I am a small spark of Consciousness trapped in this avatar, isn’t it all really an illusion in the end?  So why give it attention.  Does the same Quantum theory of observation apply to this movie as it does to electrons – it only exists when someone gives it attention?  



This tells me there are two barriers – one that the rockets hit – and then above the ice dome.  880 miles farther than ever went (to the moon – which as NASA now tells us is in our atmosphere)…………  The Polaris Dawn expedition too……….. If the karmen line is correct – it’s the edge of space – WHOSE space?  Inside this dome.

SpaceX: Falcon 9 grounded after fire, Polaris Dawn prepares for liftoff (


I decided to do a gematria:  POLARIS DAWN and

Break on through to the other side

The Divine Child (another theory – got it in the portal yesterday – what if on the outside we’re all really kids – i mean if we are in a simulation video type game trapped on the outside – wouldn’t that say it’s possible this happened when we were kids outside?)

JFK Jr is Alive




Bank Collapse


Rapture (interesting as it was in the same gematria above)

The Event








Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Today’s Question ~ And Finds and a fascinating gematria”

  1. The animals show us how to be human. Those were great! The ice dome simulacrum effect is always on the periphery of all the non-sense por moi. In effect–Reality is a consensus agreement. As for the political circus–it’s always been surreal to me. War is a racket. The death cult. The Fear. Usury is the greatest con job on Planet Earth…The phony FED. The Deep State=Deep Fake… Glory Be to God. Blessings!

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