Today’s Reflection…..



i treated myself to a massage today.  it’s been a few years since i’ve done this for myself and it was a beautiful experience.  i had a couple of “cosmic” moments.  the first occurred when i was beginning to feel a moment of panic upon first lying down.  i looked within for strength and was not finding it in the way i wanted so i called out to claire.  send me calm so i can enjoy this experience.  i accept the love.  immediately i felt a quiet overcome me – and my body went almost limp and my mind – absolutely silent.  it was beautiful and a very welcomed gift.

the second moment came when i saw myself again in stasis.  i keep seeing that image – my real self – my light body self – sleeping.  i’ve shared that here previously and in the last few weeks, the image is growing stronger.  i am bigger (taller – long limbs) than this vessel i occupy.  i am younger.  i have long, thick hair already but what i have seen in stasis is a female with very thick, curly hair (i’ve longed for such hair for as long as i can recall). my features appear like me only – well – perfect.  “wake up!” i cried in my mind (again) today.

and then i asked – who wakes up?  my light body?  me here in this version of reality?  both?  i received no answer on that….yet.

the flat earth paradise video i linked previously – give that one a listen.  he is not the first one to state we are in stasis – our real light body selves at the north pole (had not heard that location mentioned) but i found it to be a moment of pure synchronicity that i told my mate earlier this evening about my experience during my session today and then moments later i return to watch the rest of the flat earth paradise video only to hear just seconds in that “we have bodies, separate bodies, from this current shadow state which are merely sleeping which are merely dreaming up this illusion.” chills and tears.

i know this is a game.  i am fully willing to take full responsibility for all roles i have played.  i am fully willing and ready for taking responsibility for my assistance in creating this game.  i am open to accepting i chose this entire experience of separation (still on the fence on that one until i know the truth – were we tricked or did we agree to this).  i am willing to forgive ALL who created this game of illusion.  i am ready for the truth.  i am ready to end participation in this game.  i am ready for my freedom.

for now i wish to thank those of you who graciously offer donations to me so that i can afford to help keep this avatar going.  today i learned where my body holds tension and it was in new places i was not yet aware so i will be returning for more treatment (well in so long as they will offer me up sheets not dried with dryer sheets – my whole family is very sensitive to these things – if not i will have to find another place).  i signed up for just a 45 minute session as i was not comfortable splurging for a full hour.  anyway – thank you – and please keep those donations coming and i will continue sharing my rambles of interesting brilliance as well as other tidbits of info and intel as we awaken and break FREE.

love and gratitude to you all ~



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.