Today’s Reflection ~ 3/5/2020 word of the day: zzzzzz


yes zzzzz is a word.  i’m the teacher in this house so…

last night i put out a comment on yellow rose’s latest video – comment section – anyone else feel the need for sleep amp up even further this past week (as if that’s possible at this point??)?  several responses – all agreeing wholeheartedly.  as one person shared – falling into a comatose state.  Y E S!

today i am once again not really that interested in what’s going on in the world.  i have days where i am and others where i’m not with the overall experience being one of really not aligning – other than in moments here and there.

the spraying has been intense the past week.  i still don’t see how anyone can observe the skies and think this is somehow “normal”.  whoever said this program was taken over by “white hats” is either completely wrong or they are utterly off in their timing.  some have stated they are spraying us with “good” things.  healthy concoctions.  possible – but i’m not buying that one until i KNOW.

in recent days i have either heard or had someone tell me the longing for Home is nothing more than a longing for oneself – an inner experience.

wrong.  wrong wrong wrong wrong and wrong  lol

and how presumptuous and honestly, rude.  how can anyone proclaim to know what one’s Truth is?

it is my Truth that this is an inside AND an outside experience.  what good is it to just be in a state of peace while still in a prison of deception?  that’s like having the cake presented to you but all you can do is look at it.  you can’t touch it.  you can’t eat it.

I WANT MY CAKE AND EAT IT TOO!  lol  hey no wonder that phrase got hijacked and used to make us feel guilty for wanting to eat that delicious treat!

i know what i know.  i know i have longed for “Home” since i was a young child.  and it isn’t about dying and being with Source/God.  it is about KNOWING there is someplace else I BELONG.  with people – with others – with a family.  and not only that, but most importantly, doing things different than what is done here.

if someone doesn’t align with this, fine.  we are ALL experiencing this awakening in our own way.  honor the difference.  as i am in no mood due to lack of sleep and frustration of the rinse and repeat experience to allow anyone to come into my personal space whether inside my home or in a conversation out in the world or in a social media environment and tell me what it is I really Want.  Need.  AND KNOW.

R O A R.  lol




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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