Today’s Reflection ~ 5/14



W O W.

As the kids say – the energy now just sucks.  I can “feel” the spiritual war more than ever.  It’s interesting how some can feel this and others can’t.  This could also indicate the attacks happen just like any other war – some days you’re hit, other days it’s quiet.  As T said – this is a war with those dimensionals.

Today I said staying at home isn’t enough – I want to start digging a hole in the ground in my backyard and keep digging.

Based on what I have seen so far – and heard too – I am not alone in this feel.

The usual activities now – all are just a distraction.  That lingering “get me out of here” feel is fully, what, online now.

Again – seeing others say the same.

So hearing “try a new hobby” or “go for a walk” etc. etc. – yes I do it all now – but it still all a distraction for I still consciously fully return to the experience here.  My girl has really been “itching” lately to move.  She too wants something new.

Heck, who among any of us no matter what our perceptions are doesn’t want something new and better?

Now there is talk of businesses asking if we have had the J or not.  States opening up lifting the face diapers for those who received it.  INSANE.  ILLEGAL/UNLAWFUL.  Privacy rights attorney’s – WHERE ARE YOU?!  Try “none of your business” and a little of this:

Fuck you - Patch - Aufnäher - Aufnäher Shop / Patch - Shop ...

Speaking of my mate just went to a local business and was denied entry for not having his diaper.  He forgot it.  So again how much more will this continue until…..?  Moving is still on the table and being actively explored.  Anyone in SD want to help us out?  Let me know.

I woke up hearing one of the lines from Van Halen’s “JUMP” – “Get ready – JUMP!”  Interesting.  What does it indicate?  I know what I want it to indicate – but at this point what do I know.  What do any of us know other than what we each desire to experience.

And that is where I continue to put my focus.

Love.  Truth.  Freedom.  And aside from my family and my tribe – I am not seeing much of that now.  I’m still stunned at how far this has been allowed to play out.  If this is part of the awakening/exposure going on – how much more suffering has to be endured?  My line in the sand was already drawn and it deeply disturbs me now that the only control I have is in what I say/think and how I express that.

We need that new for our children so they can be free to be kids.

Eradicate the evil and all that it has created here.  F’ing N O W!

Going to go do some whittling.  Thankful for neighbors who let our girl play with their kids.  Having someone close by who aligns with you and that you can trust is a big gift in these times.

How are you all feeling/doing?




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.