I don’t know if it was the Schumann (below) that enabled this experience, but I was able to go back in time last night while in dream-state to a television studio set of a popular family show from the late 80’s/90’s. I got two names – one was a producer I felt/heard – and in a moment of synchronicity, one of their names came up tonight in a tv show my mate was watching. I don’t know anything about any of these two individuals – their names only vaguely familiar.
I was observing the children and I wanted to rescue a couple of them. I befriended one of the people on the set who seemed to ‘control’ the children actors. But the more I spoke with him, the more sick I began to feel and the more difficult it was for me to contain my emotions. He seemed to catch on to what I was really there for. I was alone – and just did not have the courage or the strength to save those children on my own so I pulled myself out of the experience. I woke up and felt very heavy and sick to my stomach. I purged (cried) later in the day when I finally spoke of it.
It is pure evil how the children have been used. I saw the grooming and the way they use gifts and fun surprises to gain the trust of these little ones. The rage I felt was overpowering. I have deep gratitude and a very strong sense of humbleness towards those who are exposing and rescuing. It really does take a certain kind of person to do this.
This brought me back to something the being who goes by the name of “Thor” shared w/Terran Cognito’s latest. It has been a feeling for quite some time and is now my solid sense of knowing that Thor is not who he proclaims to be. He recently said the only remaining power-over games are between humans here. Nonsense. The “invisible enemy” are the dimensional parasites who reside in human hosts here.
Then…when Terran asked to know who did what to whom, Thor said this was not information he needed to know.
It certainly IS information we need to know. At the very least, we all have the right to know exactly how this hijacked happened and WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR IT. That’s how you ensure it never happens again.
Thor speaks like Heather – far too much for me actually to the point where it feels creepy and manipulative and I feel he does this to gain Terran’s trust.
And attention.
Months ago Thor said the “next time” they chatted would be in person. Never happened. He also said we are not to seek the energy of justice against those who committed crimes. We were to be in a state of forgiveness (for to do otherwise would have us stuck here longer – even Heather said she didn’t align with that one – it was just fear talk).
Forgiveness. The ultimate goal, right? We all want that and seek it. But that takes time doesn’t it? (and can you imagine saying any of this to one of the victims of human trafficking?)
Who would speak like that? A benevolent helper of mankind or one of the hijackers not wanting to be on the receiving end of a rightfully angry populace – looking to escape justice – at least accountability for their actions?
My inner truth radar and b.s. detector is solid – when it is activated that is. Much of the time I don’t know for sure what’s up – but when I KNOW something I KNOW it.
And I KNOW if someone wants a hidden truth, they have the RIGHT to KNOW it and SEE it and be given access TO it. To do likewise is just a continuation of the power-over game.
And I for one am DONE with that. I want Full Transparency and Truth – even if that means being told “I cannot tell you right now due to protocol but you WILL know that when it is safe”.
In this experience of deception, it sure has been a challenge, for me, to honor that inner, solid state of Knowing. But that’s been part of the game here – to create doubt and pull ourselves out of that state of Knowing – especially when things like logic and “facts” run contrary to that Knowing. The mind can be manipulated as can our emotions – but that inner radar? That’s Source. It may be rather muted here, but it’s still there. Always.
One last reflection to share – how I felt today. It was one of those “not all here” experiences. It didn’t start out that way – but by early afternoon I was sure in that space and it grew all afternoon. I had a similar experience yesterday too but today was more intense. It required me to partake in 2 naps.
Here’s the latest schumann.
As always, feel free to share your experiences either here in the comment section or privately via the Contact option.
The silent war does continue. I feel it. Many of us do. As Prince said – the ultimate prize was for our Soul energy. But no one is going to take that from us. Be in the heart. Remember you are Divine.
Shine on you crazy Diamond (heard that song today – thought it was a nice way to end this piece).
Thank you for supporting my work!
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Yes, I too with what you said here. Everyone who wants to know, deserves to know the truth.
Yes, ultimately, the idea is to forgive all, so we can move on, but not before knowing all that was involved in keeping us here! Skipping steps is not in our best interest.