Today’s Reflection/Energies


i had a feeling today would feel “heavy”.  anniversary of 9/11.  i have chosen not to mourn – not to dwell on what happened on that day.  it sparked a huge new step in my awakening.  each year since then i have mourned.  i have felt – all over again – the loss.  the anger.  the rage.  the lies we have been told.  and 18 years later – the truth is still being suppressed – while the memorializing continues.

so – i am not participating.  why give the controller’s and their human bot minions here more “free food” (energy)?

that being said – it was hard for me to escape feeling the collective dip in energy.  and to add to their agenda of harm and abuse, they were at it today with their trails in our skies.

i reject it all.  truth now.  freedom now.  now.




enough of that.  i have noticed recently that at times a correlation between an electron or proton spike and a spike on the schumann.  (at the 18 hour).  i see that today (see below).  are WE doing this or is it happening TO us?  or both perhaps?

who else is overly done of saying/thinking “i don’t really know”?

yeah me too.

for now i am investing my energy into bike rides and music.  and the occasional sweet treat.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Today’s Reflection/Energies”

  1. Possible feedback loop between humanity and the planet? Or Source sending energy to heal the collective wounds?

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