I am flat out D R A G G I N G now. Part of it is the schumann frequencies we are being bombarded with – which always open up my heart. It feels like I am dumping a lot of pain in that area.
Other than that I just want O U T of this place. I want to run and be free. Like the Pina Colada song – we’ll plan our Escape. I have had several conversation’s in person with otherwise wonderful people around her but you know – there is just that lack of connection. REAL connection. Today I went out front to watch the blue sky and I heard neighbors talking about their vaccination status. I had to get up and walk away.
I just…..I just can’t……….I just CAN’T anymore.
I know I have always been just a fixture here – just someone nice to talk with but not to really get to know. There are only a handful of people who have taken that time with me and I appreciate it beyond words.
But I still neeeeeeeeeeed more.
The sense of I DO NOT BELONG HERE is huge – overwhelming at times. It isn’t some “poor me” bit – it’s just a sense of KNOWING.
(best dayem meme i have seen in weeks):
The psychological torture and warfare playing out has really taken a hit on my family. I see it in all of us. As I say – the more one wakes up – well that doesn’t indicate your life becomes blissful. Often it ends up with you looking at the world in horror looking for an exit door. Totally understandable. Finding bliss in hell – well I just don’t “get” that. I more align with “ok I do the best I can – now let’s get this place cleaned up or I’m outta here”.
I played the piano. What’s Goin’ On…..This Guy’s In Love With You….I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues….. I got lost in Comfortably Numb….Cried
They are currently putting their nazi trails in front of the sun. I saw the first one late afternoon due west and said “they want to cover up the sky tonight at sunset”. Yeppers. Lines and now – a curve.
So…….what’s going on this week? Is it going to be a BIG WEEK? Mike Lindell saying yesterday he was going to release a “message heard around the world” tomorrow. Lin Wood coming out saying 17 was real and Truth. Flynn also saying Trump was still POTUS. Which is why we have over 45 FF in the past month alone – stateside:
Then we have some CV truths coming out. Flu goes away like magic. Uh huh….yawn…..
Then we have this video showing a “fake jab utensil”…And just like that – nothing goes into the body….yaaaawwwnnnn……
A little too much to present to the jab people?
The full conference here with all of the truth reveals:
I’ll pass…
More tunnels going bye bye…
The video is 9 years old, don’t know how long this posting was made after the original event.
You may have already seen this, but, the delivery method… geez.
This video is important, Flap book has already tagged it as incomplete fact…
yeah – i remember seeing that one in the past year. he’s one crazy demented m.f’er.
Hi there
How you describe your feelings resonates with me 200%. I feel EXACTLY the same. I have always felt like I was on a bad sleep-over and all I want to do is go home!!! I have been saying for a long time that unless something massively wonderful happens I won’t be signing up for any more Earth contracts. I’ve had enough of all of it!!!
You are so right, on the fact that being aware, does not make you happier.
Quite often, frustration and anger are more prevalent than bliss and ‘oneness’…
Particularly upon seeing something one has been predicting, come true – but the sheep continue to be herded into it…
Today was fine, until I was doing the evening watering and animal feed/put to bed, and discovered the shelf with my seed trays in the poly tunnel had been knocked over – the wind was so bad today, the side of the tunnel pushed in far enough to knock it over… GRRRRR… six weeks if seedlings all over the place…
It is so windy here, people ask ‘When will it stop being windy?’, I have taken to telling them, ‘When hell freezes over’…
It’s s not just sarcasm…
Phoenix is Hell, the heat from there, rises up, and is funneled through the mountains, and hits us – nearly all year… because Phoenix is hot all the time… hence my response.
So, the seeds are off the floor, but out of order, and, peppers look like tomatoes at that size, and my healthy crop of onion seedlings are now looking rather sorry for themselves…
I was so angry. All the work. I blistered the air for quite a few mins I can tell you… I think the frequencies today also fueled the pitch and duration.
The animals helped calm me down – they do that so well. 😊
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that is a broken link
I am happy to have found this site where I am amongst like-minded people 🙂