Today’s Reflection ~ On Saying “good bye”


wow talk about an emotional roller coaster.  yesterday with its beautiful moments of gratitude, surprise acts of kindness to today learning our adopted grandpa has just days left and is in the first stages of dying.  we had not been visiting the last 2 weeks due to a cold virus we had been passing around to each other and now that all are well, we were going to go visit later this weekend.  however after i spoke with his daughter in law today and hearing the urgency of where he is now – which knocked us for a pretty good loop – we knew it was time go see him today.

the visit was beautiful and difficult.  he was very peaceful – in and out of sleep and for the first time since we have had the honor of knowing him, we had to carry the conversation.  he has the true meaning of “the gift of gab” and it is in such a way as to lift you up if you are feeling down.

we held his hand.  stroked his forehead.  i sang to him and when he was alert, joked with him about dancing with beautiful ladies and going sailing with them.  he’s an east coaster by birth and he has been “visiting” the cape cod region recently as his Soul is likely coming and going.  who knows what wonderful adventures he is having.  a few weeks ago we had purchased a card and my mate and i each wrote him a letter.  we read them today.  he was in and out, eyes would open and close, but i know somewhere he got the messages we were conveying – between a lot of tears.

this just sucks.  there’s no other way to put it.  i’m grateful he isn’t in pain or showing signs of struggle.  it’s just hard on everyone else watching this beautiful Soul transition up and out to Home.  but i see that’s where he is headed – where he wants to go.  about 2 years ago he and my mate bought compasses they wore on their wrists.  today my mate placed his on grandpa’s chest and said use it to find your way Home.

wishing him a gentle transition and a continuation of many adventures.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.