Today’s Reflection ~ Societal Programming, Mental “illness”, and whatever else I may happen to venture off into


i am reflecting on the programming i continue to see.  it is so intentional and as i keep seeing, effective.  i feel those who are so deep in it really haven’t a conscious concept of the program.  i have seen far too many people in my life whom i care about all but come unglued – and quickly – at the mention of the word “trump”.  the programming is so deep they aren’t even conscious of their sudden outburst – of their trigger.  is he in the room?  has he done anything to them personally?  i can understand having dislike for a political figure.  but what we see today is over the top.

i have made the choice that i will no longer engage in any political speak with one who holds the “disdain” energy.  i will no longer attempt to share sources of mine – even if asked.  i have done that numerous times and have yet had someone actually take appropriate time to do effective reading/researching.  so….the hand-holding is over.  i had no one hold my hand.  i simply searched because within my inner self guided me to do so.

i came into this realm questioning everything i was told and experienced. some people don’t.  i ask “why?”  what makes it possible for some to question and others either have no interest at all in knowing the truth (i have people in my life like that) or will be open to exploring only a little bit here and there – just not too far outside of the main narratives.  it has to be programming.  expand too far and the programming pulls one back to the story of lies – just like a rubber-band.  unless you have the tenacity and the drive and come from your heart and care MORE for the Truth than you do about what others think of you – you remain stuck in the program(s).  today as i reflect on this i also am feeling some sadness as well as a knowing that to expand the grand awakening, at this point, for the masses, it is going to take a HUGE event that they both experience within and that they SEE – an experience that is UNDENIABLE and over-rides ANY and ALL programs.

The Solar Flash Event.  that is what is going to “save” every one of us in its own way.  accompanied by the truth of ALL that has been hidden to be felt and SEEN.

people i read in certain groups are afraid the truth will get squashed – but i know there is sooooo much more going on than we see.  it is truly a multi-level/cosmic/dimensional exposure and cleaning up.  ALL WILL SEE.  here in this realm or outside.

moving on….lol

i just learned the schumann spiked for 24 hours total.  no coincidence there. a sneak preview of what’s to come?  i would love to fly in more of those bubbles of bliss.  never seen anything like what i saw yesterday – and would love to have more of the same.

i was also contemplating mental “illness” today.  i remember reading in my 20’s one of M. Scott Peck’s books – pretty sure it was in The Road Less Traveled (my first awakening book) – where he said addictions were a spiritual crisis.  connection with Source was not being felt/experienced so the person substitutes that connection with drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling, etc.  spiritual crisis.  i feel spiritual crisis is also behind most of these mental “illnesses” psychiatrists, psychologists and others in the field like to label.  the majority of us have some sort of mental angst – depression, anxiety, panic, disassociation, etc.  pretty guaranteed – comes w/the experience of being in this experience.

how can we define illness?  for me any illness is something out of alignment.  and we know this entire realm was designed to keep us out of alignment – with Source.  with our True Selves.  with Love.  Truth.

and now i pause – i don’t feel i need to go further with this.  this is matrix 101 stuff.  the basics.  we may not know exactly (yet) where we are – but we know what we are experiencing here – what we have been experiencing.  we know the agenda.

and we know the agenda is crumbling.  it is ending.

we are awakening.  and we are exiting.

the solar flash is what fully awakens every one of us.  awakens as in we get released from all controls.  what else will do it?  the programming as i said above is so locked in with some it is going to take that something HUGE to pull all up and out.  ascension = release from bondage.  and i feel – this time i am feeling at a deeper level than i have in the past – i feel it is coming.  very very soon.  very very very soon.

i did forget to mention physical symptoms i’ve been having lately in lisa harrison’s outline last night…..hands not working so well…..cells shaking especially in my legs – then my legs getting really tight – the muscles (that happens after i’ve gone to bed)…..feeling unbelievably COLD as in BONE cold to then really warm (within maybe an hour or less)….i have literally stood in the shower a few times with the water blasted on hot – shivering……unable to heat up my body……lately it’s been my eyes – sudden blurry vision like something is in them but i don’t feel anything so i rub my eyes and blink a few times….and the sleep patterns…..and the heart blips….and this feeling like i’m frigging autistic – overwhelmed so easily….thriving in quiet environments….and this growing energy within feeling like i could run for miles – that restlessness feeling that has returned…..i read some say they are feeling a bit manic – good word lately….appetite?  it waxes and wanes in some extremes now….eating much more fruit and am into eating a lot of greens now too (after having no interest in greens for a time)….not so much meat as in previous days….smoothies….kambucha has become a staple…dark chocolate and an occasional sweet treat like a cookie or donut….so you can see some supposed “taboo’s” but i put more trust in my body speak than i do in the food nazi’s.

i will close this one up by saying i feel each of us are rather pulling back in our shells now….not to hide but to reflect – rest – perhaps even prepare….just a feeling i am having about the collective experience.  of course this could also be my own projecting – but i am both sensing and seeing this in others who are anticipating our full awakening and exit.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.