Today’s Reflection ~ Some rambles and insights popping up today and in the moment as I listen to the latest DTC



I am listening to Lisa’s latest DTC (from last night).  She speaks of these 3 different layers being played out.  The deep state (w/the virus working through them) and the “good guys” and then we have the “this game here is ending” that, I feel, is “on top” of the other two.  This is my perspective of the 3 layers.

I also feel and see too that whatever the parasites throw just isn’t sticking – at least for long. It has no weight for it does not hold Truth.  As Lisa says – the wall they are throwing their agendas at is made of teflon.  What we are seeing is pretty much out of the book – The Art of War.  You mirror your enemy.  You “strike” when least expected.  And you let your enemy expend their ammunition (energy) until you strike back and knock them down.  It is like a dance.

I like how Lisa says this is being done in such a way as to not “break the mind”.  For me, seeing the chaos in the world is making it easy for me to let go of the game/experience here.  I am quite literally having things disappear that I normally use in my daily life and today as I was getting upset over what I could not find I heard “Let it go.  This is something you don’t want to be doing anyway.”  And yet….some things still need to continue for I am still here….so I am sitting on the fence you could say – doing what I know still needs to take place here while also quite ready to drop it immediately upon the end.  So…..making the experience – for me – feel so awful – would indeed make it far easier for me to bust out of here in a moment than if I were in bliss or having a very enjoyable experience.  As Lisa said – I just want to wake up someplace else.  For me that is Home.  My personal narrative says I get pulled up and out and BOOM – I am there.  IF there is some big sky event for all prior, so be it.  I am neutral on that as far as needing to see it.  As long as my family – especially my girl – goes with me – that is all my heart longs for at this time.

I had a feel earlier today about the process of watching this movie while waiting for the Main Event.  Anyone know about The Spaghetti Factory restaurant?  It’s here in the states – at least out west.  Anyway when you walk in, there is this television set that plays black and white silent movies.  They’re fun to watch but what you are REALLY there for is the food.  So while you wait for the food (the main event) you watch the silent movies – either with full focus or here and there as you look around at others, talk with your family or friends who are there with you, etc.  I hope that makes sense.  The silent movie, for me, is old.  I just want my spaghetti!  (and that spumoni ice cream – oh that stuff is sooo good!)

So as I am listening (and typing here) I hear Miss Lisa say my name and read my question.  (I was in and out of her live stream for about an hour and did not stick around to see if she would respond to what I asked).  I had asked her about July 31st (mostly because LeeLoo said the construct begins shutdown mode on that date – she said this in I think 2018) – but I said I also felt something shift on that day.  I also asked if anyone had dragons in their space lately (as I have had all week).  Anyway, that’s at around the one hour mark if anyone wants to hear her both confirm she too felt a shift on that day – mostly on the 1st (of August) as well as what she felt happened – something I feel too and this is the ability to connect “out there” took a bigger disconnect.  I continue to become less able to manifest “out there” as well as my ability to somehow dig my way out of my current experience and create the new I sooooo deeeply my god deeeeeeeeply long for – just ain’t happening.  It is quite frustrating.  I continue to feel this void/”just wait Victoria” pattern.

I appreciate how she says she is always questioning/re-evaluating her narrative – and how those closest to her would say they are probably tired of hearing her question, throwing tantrums, etc.  lol  That had me giggle as I can relate fully.  And yet, as she said, there will be something that draws her back in.  An experience that brings a Knowing.  Yes…..

I’ve continued to watch movies of my generation – movies that bring up old stuff – that get me in my Heart space.  Movies that inspire me to FEEEEEL again – young and vital and narratives of starting over.  In a movie I watched last night, there was conversation between two lovers and certainty:  Both felt a certainty about one another they had never experienced before.  That, my heart called out – THAT is what I seek.  That certainty.  That is Love.  That is Truth.  For many – ok most – of my choices in this experience, I have carried doubt.  And god – to live a life of Creating Experiences with such certainty – I crave that.  I absolutely crave that.

My heart knows exactly what I need:  LOVE (and for me Love and Freedom are one in the same)

As I heard last night – words speaking to my heart coming from Deep Within – if it isn’t Love, I am letting it go.

So be it.



UPDATE:  I got more “stuff” that came to me in the shower portal (where else?!).  Anyway – I was tuning into this concept of the virus here – not the CHINA virus but the virus that infected us all.  When I make the choice to get angry or judgmental or just nasty with myself or anyone else, I plug myself back in to that very virus program I am trying to UNPLUG from.  HOME is doing all they can to help us unplug and encouraging us to BE from the Heart.  Be from the space of Love (as I mentioned above) – for that is what Home Original Experience is.  I literally saw a cord that would reconnect again when I do get in those moods/spaces/behaviors.  And, for me, it is a choice.  It may not be a choice to have the program narrative suddenly appear in my brain/mind – but it is my choice whether to keep myself plugged into it or not.  That is all I wanted to share.


Thank you all so much for your support and your personal shares and your emails.  I value every one of you and this site would not be possible without you all and your support.  Ya’ll help keep me going!  

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.