Today’s Reflection ~ The Time Is Now


the above is a photo i took of the great awakening page on reddit about 30 minutes ago.  you will see it’s been removed.  according to reddit the reasons were inciting violence, harassment and dissemination of personal information.  this is of course propaganda speak that really says: “we did not like them spreading the truth”. goddess robin was the first to notify me of this.  while i am not surprised, i am brought to the floor in how i feel as a result.

as i have been saying and feeling – too much talk with too little action results in distrust.  “we have it all” we keep hearing.  allegedly trump and team q have been using the deep state comms and ways and rules against the deep state.  IF this is the case, then why not arrest and detain – indefinitely – these same deep state people?  thanks to one of the main characters, BHO, who authorized the NDAA, law enforcement can arrest and detain anyone simply under suspicion and detain then indefinitely, without a lawyer.  been done many times against otherwise innocent american’s.

so the obvious question:  WHY NOT EMPLOY THIS NOW?  use THEIR very sick crafted laws against them?  war doesn’t follow any virtuous philosophy.

we have been told most of their (deep state) comms are down.  and yet we know the deep state (still) has the means to bring down sites, social media pages, etc ~ or certainly put the pressure on the owners of these media outlets to target and remove certain pages.  it is therefore totally possible for team Q to put them back up.

next obvious question:  WHY AREN’T THEY DOING THIS?

keep “fighting” we are told.  “this is not a game” we are told.

yesterday just left me with such a feeling of angst and remorse.  how do you best honor those who are murdered?  by bringing the TRUTH to the world.

enough of this “people won’t be able to handle it yet”.  Nonsense!  and it isn’t like the media outlets or trump’s team is going to shove this info on people.  it will STILL be the people’s choice whether they wish to listen and hear.

i am sure for every point i have shared, team q and those who are, imo, blindly following them (blindly meaning not asking questions and not listening to their own intuition, feels and discernment) could offer me up an equally valid response.

i am open to hearing them.  if you have something to add contrary to what i have posted, please share.  i am always open to the insight’s of others as long as they are offered up in respect and from the heart.

and speaking of the heart….my own heart is having a very difficult time in “inner-standing” WHY the criminals who have controlled, deceived, poisoned and traumatized the good people of this realm are still walking the streets.

in truth~




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.