Felt like a waste of time. Felt like most everything I heard – I’ve heard before. I would have had better use of my time sitting outside in the cold watching the fake sky.
Felt like pouring salt on a wound.
Also felt like waving another carrot.
“We WILL make America” fall in the blah blah blank same phrase we have been hearing for over 4 f’ing years.
Pouring salt on the wound – describing sanctuary cities – how they’ve gone to “shit” – when I live in one and we have been trying to GET OUT for the past year but finding a nice home to rent that we can afford is proving to be – well impossible thus far. Where is the help for those of us who are in one of these pits and who want out? Hmm? Where is that part of the “plan”?
Pouring more salt – describing how the children have suffered so much – had their lives robbed. Yeah – tell me something I don’t know. My beautiful girl’s spirit has changed in the last 2 years. Her attitude has become much more hardened making it difficult to parent/guide her – more than it was in the past. She has HAD IT. Again – her mama and pops have been doing all we f’ing can to give her something better and new – different. Again – rub it in T. Rub it f’ing in how hard it has been while you continue to….
…..dangle that f’ing carrot about “SOON” and how we need to “get out and vote in the mid terms” but then next breath talk about the 2020 rigged election.
We coming or we going?
Optics can go stick it.
Unless someone has a place in which we can live and can afford and can help us get there (so I can save my sanity and my girl’s childhood and her development) I NO LONGER WANT TO HEAR IT.
Good to know! Don’t trust Google!
Is The Public Being Gaslit About Mass Formation Psychosis?
Talk about an eye-opener! Thanks for posting this!
Wolves in sheeps clothing exposed? Great reading by Janine!
Great reading by Janine!
Something of interest….
Good grief!
..And with good reason!
Sanity won out with this school….
Waking up can feel good…as this picture shows
another nothing burger
With the recent release of the doc on Las Vegas/Paddock-patsy expose’, and now Revolver’s excellent fedsurrection analysis–it’s no longer theory: we are being deceived and the federal agencies are the enemy. This: https://www.revolver.news/2021/12/damning-new-details-massive-web-unindicted-operators-january-6/
I’m trying to post important info here, but every time I click post, it says page can’t be found,
Now I know I’m correct about what I want to post!
Perhaps it’s too much. Will try in sections to see if it works.
Today is the 17th It appears the floodgates have been opened!
Ok, that seems to have done the trick….
The WHO quietly admits What?? Share it far and wide!
It’s all coming out now!
Fantastic truth info about false cov info on this particular page!!
Wow! If this is true, watch out medical tyrants!