Today’s Reflections


While the energy today feels putrid – I feel ME and that ME Knows all is as it is according to plan.  President Trump is as he was in my dream the week before the election – chill.  Calm.  In control.  Today he’s playing golf as his choice instead of participating in their pandemic virtual (G20).

This morning I was able to tune in after cleansing and could really sense the matrix program on my own house – in particular the wall I was feeling into. And here’s an interesting tidbit – as I typed that sentence, the computer froze.  The AI is not liking exposure.

Speaking of – I had a restless night sleep last night.  Experiences that weren’t mine.  In between, I woke up and knew I was seeing the AI.  I felt into that concept.  Up until now, I have used that term (another computer freeze as I type lol) as just a term and have not felt into it.  Last night I did and I could feel it (more freezing).  Tuning in further this morning, I feel that this voter fraud, while part of the plan, is not what triggers the rest out of matrix slumber.  Q has said sometimes you have to SHOW the people.  I feel this “showing” aligns with the Sky Event in which we all SEE where we are and who they are.  The voter fraud allows all of these tentacles of the swamp – media, politics/government, corporations/big business, academics, medical, religious, to be gathered up and removed.  All of their systems that had their hands in this fraud will be exposed.  Although it is possible people will pop awake when they learn that we haven’t had legitimate election processes for decades.

The longing for Home is palpable today.  I remembered that where I originally come from, we touch hands to not only greet but to communicate and to feel the Truth of the Being.  I also reflected again – as I did yesterday – about this concept of being Kind.  Sometimes, for me, that has ended with me withholding my truth – putting others energies above my own – and it’s always out of fear of some sort.  When I have wanted to say something like “I cannot be around you…I cannot be around your energy” or simply to say “I don’t like you.  You are quite nasty…”….I usually just choose to be quiet.  Or when I will smile at someone I clearly do NOT want to smile at – well that leaves me feeling off.  I thought of someone in my neighborhood who has been nasty to me.  This individual never smiles.  Grandpa Don once told us this person used to work for the city and most employees had a difficult time with them.  I once had one run-in with this person.  I had reached out for help – asking them to put out the word for something my family was seeking.  It ended with them telling me I would never find that and I said “Just because someone can charge a certain amount for something doesn’t mean they should.  There are good people out there willing to give others a break,” and they threw out another contrary punch to me – along the lines of “beggars cannot be choosers”.  That sort of nastiness.  So I said I wasn’t trying to have an argument to which they said, laughing, “I wouldn’t let that happen.”

Ugh.  lol

So I walked away.  And I tried numerous times over the years to be pleasant and polite – a couple of times to build the bridge.  Nope.  Not happening.  So I saw them yesterday and rather than nod or ignore (which has been my approach), I decided to be authentic in the moment:  I gave a look and growled.  Then I giggled to myself at my bravery.

Instead of all of these labels to be this or be that – just BE YOU.  However that feels in the moment.  Not saying be nasty yourself – just authentic – from the heart and from humor.  At least that’s what I am going with.  That is what feels right for me now.  I am seeing others in this movement starting to see that.  I have seen several this week alone who have said “I am trying to stay neutral here” – clearly withholding what they really want to say.  NO.  Don’t be neutral if it doesn’t feeeeeeeeeeeeel right.  SPEAK UP AND OUT.

Call the spade a spade – not a heart or diamond.

Lots of love to you all ~



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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