Today’s Reflections ~ 5/25/19


To reflect a bit more on last night’s dream, which I shared in a previous post today on Trump’s “Age of Enlightenment” tweet, given the clean-up that continues, we will all have more ability to tune into the All.  True cleaning up leading to True Freedom includes the ability to see/know whatever YOU wish.  Just another creative experience.  As I said in my dream I was able to tune into whatever I wanted in terms of this cleaning up – my choice.  I feel it was a message – a message to share – that we need not be concerned that we won’t be “allowed” or “able” to see/know/remember all of those things we have wanted to see/know/remember – in particular this cleaning up. When Q said 80% will not be revealed to the public – that does not mean such revealing will remain secret – certainly not permanently.  ALL will have access.  When?  I’m not sure but my feeeeel is we can now all tune in and receive that knowledge.

On to dimensions and some more insights/feels I am receiving on this topic. The experience of dimensions here have been hijacked.  The metaphor I received was a manhattan high rise as compared to the ghetto.  People in that high rise can feel they are better than/above those in the ghetto simply because of where they reside.  And people in the ghetto can feel they are less than for the same reason.  Add in the whole “money” thing and the separation thing expands.

A dimension is just a “room” with a certain frequency.  And when we are in bodies with True Source Code – we have the ability to BE in ANY frequency space in which we desire.  Most of you know or have noticed I don’t share channeled messages from alleged beings from these so-called other dimensions.  It’s all part of the control system here and yes – it is that vast. NO PART of creation here was left untouched by the controller’s.  As I continue to say – the biggest lie is the easiest to implement and continue because the mind simply has a difficult time grasping the vastness of it – as well as the question of “WHY would someone do that to another?”  So at the center of this concept of “dimension” (as defined here) – is another form of entrapment.  It is segregation.  And Source is INCLUSIVE.

I am also in tune with the term “justice” which when I break it down can sound like “Just Us”.  I feel into this and see the truth.  Our sense of “justice”…there is some truth in there but it comes down to what WE want to see happen to another.  We want to see all who did what they did suffer. It isn’t just about cleaning stuff up – but about an eye for an eye.  And I understand that.  My goodness yes I can understand having that experience after being a part of this movie – this experience of Free Will where ANYTHING goes.

And yet I also feel that “justice” has also been another program here. Perhaps one of the more necessary ones – or certainly one that is a NATURAL program for us to experience AS we awaken.  It follows the natural energy that guides us to feel/know that whatever it is we are experiencing is NOT OK.  We feel it as we awaken.  We want those who have harmed us to suffer in the way we have.  So it becomes about JUST US.  No judgment.  It is an understandable experience, as I have said.

But we are also called to feel into that and move away from it.  The Heart moves us to forgive.  When we forgive, we are Free (one of many flavors of freedom).

When we are in the Heart, we are in the All and that is where we find Forgiveness.  The only way we will be able to truly move beyond the horrors here is to be in and be OF the space of forgiveness.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.