Today’s Reflections and Experiences


Well I will begin by saying those Schumann spikes are feeling like banging on my body.  I know to tune in and release I need uninterrupted time ALONE to BE and allow.  I rubbed my body and gave thanks ~ and am continuing to give thanks.  Instead of saying “not again why why blah blah” more frustration ~ I am now giving love to my body.

The energies are bringing up some interesting things.  Even the squirrel’s are going nuts and are being very aggressive today.  Never seen this before. It isn’t mating season ~ that doesn’t happen until later in the summer.

The biggie for me is staying the course.  Not allowing myself to get lost in doubt in any way.  Not my own and not in others.  I KNOW what I am here to do and experience and Be.  I have had far too many experiences and nudges and synchronicities for over 2 decades.  This realm is not my home.  It never has been.  It never has felt like home.  And it is never going to.  I know I am allowing and now preparing to welcome in the energy that reveals the All and gives us the full freedom to GO to where we CHOOSE.  Our choice. MY choice.  Choice without hindrance or rules or power-over by others. Freedom.  I tune inward now and command forth that Freedom NOW.  I accept no other option.

Some are saying the “rogue” planet (planet x, nibiru) is the new earth.  I don’t feel that ~ but I do know and feel this object is playing a part in all of this.  New Earth I feel is quite literally an overlay (a covering over of this realm) and we are seeing it merge.  The amazing sky captures are showing new objects, images.

For now, I am going to get on my yoga mat and streeeeeeeeeeeeetch.

Stay the course.

We have come this far.

We got this.

KNOW it!

Much Love and full Freedom~



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.