Today’s Reflections ~ Spoken ~ 5/26/21



At the park in this one….At one point I had to leave my space and walk away – I was surrounded by adults and one was talking about just getting the ja b…..And I began feeling overwhelmed and had some discomfort in my body so I got up and walked away.  It was difficult to be in my own bubble.  The weather is beautiful, park was very crowded and yet I just did not like the energy – not even with the children.  Speaking of the self protection – you will hear some thoughts on that including Sister Linea’s experience of being around those who took the ja b and how she can now no longer to hands on work after experiencing physical issues – and she was very affirmative in feeling it would not affect her one bit – so apparently intentions and other things are only doing so much.  This is a real phenomena like it or not- burying the head in the sand in ignorance isn’t helpful – so yeah – taking precautions as much as I can.  Talking with Sister D about that today and the energy it takes to “keep up the vibe” 24/7 – which kinda feels like pressure now to do that or keep it “high” whenever we are out.  Just not possible to do all of the time is it?  I also spoke of the interesting experience I had last night on our walk – I could not connect myself to anything around here.  As Sister D so perfectly shared – it’s like putting out tentacles and not finding anything to latch onto.  Here are today’s reflections….I had to put it into two files as I needed to tend to my daughter for a bit…  Premium Vector | Smiling emoji


Part 2 ~ 

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Reflections ~ Spoken ~ 5/26/21”

  1. Aw, thank you! 🙏💕 I’m glad my comment resonated and had some value in speaking to what appears to be the real epidemic – ostrich syndrome! And THANK YOU for calling out the “victim mentality” BS. Well said. 👏

    I wish I was in a position that I could afford to donate more than I do, but I do try. I hope others do as well. I know times are tough for all of us – we could all use some relief!

  2. My comfort may be informed by a caveat: perhaps the test run with this vacc test roll-out means that many folks get saline. They are part of the control group–in effect.
    None of us knows for certain how they are rolling out this thing.
    So there’s the unknown angle that actually provides some modicum of small comfort. That said–I have grown most impatient by the complicity of sheep who don’t question pseudo-science and the scientism that infects the popular narrative.

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