Today’s Share ~ A Vision I recently had….


I’ve been sitting with this one for a few days and decided to share it here. While laying in bed one evening, resting, in my mind’s eye – what felt to me was that “3rd” eye area – I began seeing a 5 pointed star rotating clockwise. It continued for a couple of rotations before it stopped and was replaced by a 4 pointed star, which then began rotating counter-clockwise.  That rotated on its own until the vision faded.

At first I thought perhaps it was a mandala image.  I went down that hole for a bit and felt I was being too complex.  Keep it simple (something I keep feeling lately – to keep all that is happening in simple terms as we often make things so complex when using our minds.  Higher Mind, to me, keeps things simple).

So I looked up some meanings of the 5 pointed star.  Obviously a lot of occult stuff around that (which I already knew) including the symbol of the goat. Baaaaaad.  (unintentional funny there – decided to leave it – if you can’t laugh it away….)

Then the meanings of the 4 pointed star.  In Christianity it represents the cross which can also have occult energies as well.  However, I feel dark took over everything pure and made it into its own.

Something occurred to me.  Keeping it simple….in the beginning there was Consciousness.  That Consciousness created both dark and light. One energy creates freely – the other by using power over means.

I felt the “Light” is more representative of Christed Consciousness thus the 4-star symbol of the early cross.  The “Dark”, occult, evil/satanic worship and behavior, thus the 5-star symbol.

So at this moment I am taking my vision of the 5 star transforming into the 4 star symbol to represent the experience that after eons of “dark” we are now returning to “light”.

Control to Freedom.

Enslaved to Liberation.

Keeping it simple, I find and feel my way to Truth.

One last share ~ I contacted Yellow Rose with a few questions I’m having.  If these bodies are truly holograms, why have all of these (alleged) ascension type experiences in something that isn’t more than a projection?  Is it our REAL Light Bodies getting the experience and via conscious connection, we are experiencing this as well in these forms?  I also asked if we have our other (Real) bodies in stasis, who has been watching over them?  Did this begin as part of the hijack experience and has now been taken over by family/friends from Home who are helping liberate us?

Perhaps those are complex questions but I feel the Truth will come in simple terms.  I will share her responses when they are forthcoming.  She has always been quite generous in answering questions – even from those who are obviously seeking to stir up trouble instead of Truth.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.