UPDATE: I. JUST. SAW. THIS. Check it out: (read below to find out the significance in this)………
It’s the dawning Of A New Age, so I phoned HOME.
The finger splits right down the MIDDLE. #HOME
Both “sides” are coming home ! pic.twitter.com/dWQbKBjGEb— I AM … Shane Browningd G k (@VVission123) August 14, 2022
So earlier today when I was doing my mama stuff, I was in my girl’s bedroom opening curtains, etc. She has a radio in there and usually has it on a nice classical music station at night. I turned it off but then thought “hey what was that song? turn that back on!” So I did. It’s the main theme from ET – and it plays at the very end when his family comes and picks him up and takes him Home. I have never heard that song on the radio. So putting that out there.
Next up – “the pit” is all over us today in terms of synchs. First we checked out sol24 and saw it here (the big circular object off to the right)………At least that is what YRFT and others have said it is.
Then just a few moments ago, I receive a text from Brother Rick. He said he spoke with Clair last night and asked her when all of this bad was going to end. She said the pit is here now.
Then we see this – around the 40 second mark: THE PIT. This is not just a political reference. It is about trapping the enemy/evil.
8.14.22: Caught in a TRAP!
Don’t you see what is happening!
Do Not FEAR!
Celebration soon?
💊And We Know🙏

Wohoo. Thanks for sharing this.